Other recent activity | childoftheking » Recent activity

19 Jul 2014


childoftheking joined group The Millionaires Club

Heh17 2014-07-19 03:29

I like learning verses everyone! do you? LOL!

Heh17 2014-07-19 03:31

Jesus is my bff! =D

Heh17 2014-07-19 03:38

My little brother hacked my account. Rotten Kid!!!! Josh, you didn't even capitalize "bff". It's B.F.F. =P

Lasher 2014-08-12 03:06


childoftheking 2016-12-29 00:39

Josh, Why do you have, like four different accounts?

D.R.Turquoise 2021-06-13 14:04

hello, people of 5 years ago


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