What Bible versions do you have?

See our Bible versions page.

This ESV verse is different from my copy of the ESV...

There are various editions of the ESV available, both in printed copies and online, with slight differences between. The one we use is from an online service provided by ESV, which is sometimes different from what you can find on esvbible.org and we are not allowed to update it. We may be able to upgrade to a more recent version of this service, but need to investigate how we can do that without causing problems for those who have already memorized old editions.

How do I stop learning verses?

When the verse comes up for review and is presented to you for learning, from the Options button menu to the right of the verse reference, choose ‘Stop learning this’. Your progress will still be saved should you decide to come back to it. You can also choose ‘Reset progress’ to start from the beginning.

How do I review something when it’s not on my dashboard?

LearnScripture.net calculates a review schedule for you automatically based on the principle of spaced repetition. But if you do want to review something outside of that, you can do so from your verse progress page.

Can I delete or deactivate my account?

Because of the way that activities on the site are public (as indicated on the site), and interact with other people (e.g. comments, awards etc.), we cannot fully delete accounts without damaging other peoples' experiences. Your interactions with other people belong to them as much as to you.

If you do not want to use your account, simply stop using it - we do not send you email notifications or anything similar if you stop using the site.

However, if necessary we can delete your account if you request it. Your personal identifiable information will be removed from our database, and your profile page will be deleted. Not all traces of your account will be removed: news items and comments relating to your activity will remain, but with your user name replaced by '[Deleted]'. An account cannot be undeleted.

I didn’t get my ‘recruiter’ badge!

The recruiter badge only works using the method described in the referral program. If it hasn’t worked, we're sorry that we won't be able to fix it up any other way, as we don't have the resources to know what actually happened.

What time zone does this site use?

(Or - why aren't my streaks working properly?)

The site use UTC / GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) for everything. Unfortunately, there isn't really a good alternative.

In more detail: Firstly, there is no way for us to automatically detect your time zone, and most people are not interested in putting that information in. Secondly, if we allow a setting, we would have to cope with people changing their setting, and at this point it becomes extremely complicated: if you change your timezone, you would have to remember to do it immediately, and we would have to keep track of not just your current time zone but the complete history of every time you changed it, otherwise your streaks - including your past streaks which you have already achieved - would be calculated incorrectly.

Who runs LearnScripture.net?

LearnScripture is a ministry of 100fold that is currently it is run by a one man ‘team’:

My name is Luke Plant. I currently live in Oldham, near Manchester, with my family. In the past I worked as assistant minister of Christ Church, Bradford, and part time as a web developer. See my home page for more information.

There are of course lots of other people to thank


Can I help out?

If you have skills with programming or web design, and you are willing to work purely as a volunteer without payment, your contributions would be welcome! The place to start is the LearnScripture.net source code repository.


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