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15 Jan 2018


Shidiro started learning Reasonings: No Power, Without Purity (23 Passages)

steve.shibley 2018-01-22 00:20

Thank you for posting this verse list. And it's really great seeing your perseverance in learning more and more verses! You seem to have been given a gift for remembering Scripture quickly.

Shidiro 2018-01-22 22:17

Hey Steve, I don't have a particular gift really; just disciplined to some degree. We all give time to the things we value. We can all say we value relationships, hobbies, studies or careers; truth be told though, the things we spend our time on most consistently truly reveals what we value most. I'm committed to this program for the foreseeable future and want to follow-through with that commitment; hopefully we can both stay the course.

steve.shibley 2018-01-29 04:22

You're coming up on *200* verses started, a few added every day. Going great! Let's keep on track.

Shidiro 2018-01-29 19:53

Hey Steve, thank you for the note of encouragement. I've adjusted my daily average considerably and my new normal for the foreseeable future will be to maintain a 25 verse average per-day instead of a 55 verse per day average. I noticed a while ago that my motivation/intention was more about completing a task or getting a badge rather than truly laying up God's word in my heart. Nothing wrong with incentivizing learning, just need to examine ourselves every so often. Furthermore, I'm starting to doubt the algorithm a bit; so I want to slow things down and hopefully have a bit more repetition. I've even begun to reset a lot of my passages/questions back to '0,' so they'll be up for review more often. Granted, I haven't been on this site long enough to know if the standard algorithm really works; presently for me though, I feel like I need fewer new verses and more of a thorough saturation of select passages/questions. Ironic, that my last Verse Set is focused on Idolatry....:)

steve.shibley 2018-01-30 17:59

Hi Shidiro. I'm have the same question, but I'm going to just see how it goes. This site's automatic review scheduling is a big asset to me since I'm not good at doing that kind of thing myself.

I'm curious whether learning a lot of verses concurrently for a year will succeed for me, even if I don't get the earlier sense of making clear progress. I also am hoping that, though I so often distort a good thing, God would use the time focusing on His Word to restrain my sinfulness.

And I agree with you that since we're in it for the long haul, we need a sustainable level of daily time commitment.


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