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30 Jan 2024


TheMoviegoer reached 800 verses started

joosep 2024-01-30 13:51

well done!

TheMoviegoer 2024-01-30 16:16

Just started 2nd Peter... 1st Peter is about 90%, but I moved ahead. Hope all is well joosep! Hope you're doing well!

TheMoviegoer 2024-01-30 16:18

I realize this message seems a little redundant, but I do hope you are well... AND that things are going well for you. Slight but important distinction. My guess is you're somewhere around Luke 12...

joosep 2024-01-30 21:38

Everything is going fine, TheMoviegoer, thank you for asking! I'm still working on Luke, but I've also broadened my focus somewhat. As to being on Luke 12 ... it depends on what you mean by that. I've at least started all of Luke, but many of those have a low progress %. I've been wanting to cover more of the New Testament for a long time, so I've expanded the number of verses I'm working on, while placing less emphasis on raising the progress %; rather taking every passage as seriously as I can, and then moving on to the next. I generally repeat each passage three times before moving on. I know it's not exactly what this website is designed for, but it's what I feel is right for me at this point in time, and it's been a blessing.

joosep 2024-01-30 22:09

I'll be a bit more precise: I'm going through the NT in order. On January 14th I started with Matthew 1:1, and today I completed Matthew 24:58.
Yes, I know I talked about working exclusively on Luke, and I feel bad about going in a different direction, because of how people have supported me here. But I've felt for a long time, that instead of focusing exclusively on maybe 1000-2000 verses which I am attempting to raise to 100% progress, I should instead be either reading or listening to or studying, or all of those, the Entire Bible. And so I decided to commit to that on 14 January. I'm doing the NT here, and I'm attempting to finish in 144 days, after which I'm planning at the moment to repeat the process. For the OT, I either listen to the audio, or I listen to several Bible teachers whom I respect as they go verse by verse. It's just what I feel the Lord would have me to do, and it has been a wonderful blessing, just as Luke also was to me and still will be, when I get to it.
The bottom line in this is that my aim here is not memorisation. It's rather to go through the NT in order and to give each passage some meditative and / or study time as I repeat it 2 or 3 times. If the progress % ends up going backwards, I'm not letting that trouble me :) I won't get into heaven based on anything I've achieved on this website. Rather my desire and my hope is that I will better know the Lord and also know His ways. See Jeremiah 9:23-24.
To anyone who read all of this, thank you for giving me a listen and may God bless you greatly as you use this website in whatever way the Holy Spirit may direct you. May He bless you as you meditate upon and commit into your hearts His Holy Word. Each word of God is a treasure.

TheMoviegoer 2024-01-31 10:57

Thanks, joosep! As always, I love to hear and see how you are approaching things. I am still amazed at the work, and I am glad to see that you have a great plan. I am still working on 100% per selected book. Just started 2nd Peter, so I have time to consider what is next... but likely NT. Originally, I had thought either Hebrews or Romans next. In a way, we have the same goal. Keep me posted when you can. It is always encourage to hear about your progress.

joosep 2024-02-01 17:06

TheMoviegoer, thank you so very much for the encouraging words -- it truly means a lot. We in the Body of Christ are meant to hold one another up in support. I will try to share more often -- perhaps I will make one of my sets public from time to time, and then use that to comment on what and how I'm doing. Blessings to you and yours.

TheMoviegoer 2024-02-02 11:24

Amen! Comment when led, and always keep up the good work... not because it makes you good (it doesn't), but because it moves you toward Him! Peace be with you always!

joosep 2024-02-02 11:28

I agree :)


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