BBMG EE Verse Set
Description GRACE 1. Heaven is a free gift (Romans 6:23) 2. It is not earned or deserved (Ephesians 2:8-9) MAN 1. Is a sinner (Romans 3:23) 2. Cannot save himself (Matthew 5:48) GOD 1. Is merciful - therefore doesn't want to punish us (1John 4:8 and Jer 31:3) 2. is just - therefore must punish sin (Exodus 34:7 and Ezekal 18:4) CHRIST 1. Who He is - the infinite God-Man (John 1:1 &14) 2. What He did - He died on the cross and rose from dead to pay the penalty for our sins and to purchase a place in heaven for us (Isaiah 53:6) FAITH 1. What it is not - Mere intellectual assent Mere temporal faith (James 2:19) 2. What it is - trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life (Acts 16:31) (Rev 3:20, Acts 10:10 & 13, John 6:47, John 1:12-13) This is the method taught by Evangelism Explosion (EE) More info can be found at And EE card can be found at
Includes the following verses, 18 in total:
Romans 6:23,
Ephesians 2:8-9,
Romans 3:23,
Matthew 5:48,
1 John 4:8,
Jeremiah 31:3,
Exodus 34:7,
Ezekiel 18:4,
John 1:1,
John 1:14
edify bible verses
Includes the following verses, 33 in total:
Isaiah 40:8,
Isaiah 53:6,
Matthew 4:19,
Matthew 6:33,
Luke 9:23,
John 1:12,
John 5:24,
John 14:21,
John 15:7,
Romans 1:16
Fun easy verses
Includes the following verses, 6 in total:
John 3:16,
Romans 3:23,
John 16:33,
Genesis 1:1,
Jeremiah 10:10,
Joshua 1:9
John 1:1-5 by Nate
Includes the following verses, 5 in total:
John 1:1,
John 1:2,
John 1:3,
John 1:4,
John 1:5
Mission of Grace T&T
Includes the following verses, 27 in total:
Ephesians 2:8-9,
Romans 10:17,
Titus 3:4-5,
1 John 2:1,
Psalm 46:1,
John 16:33,
Romans 1:20,
2 Timothy 3:16-17,
John 14:26,
Psalm 12:6
Choose a verse (or a few verses). For long passages, you should create a 'passage' verse set.
Selection set
Selection verse sets are verses on a certain topic, or designed for a group of people to learn together.
Passage set
Passage verse sets are for a continuous set of verses, like a Psalm or a chapter or part of a chapter.
When you are learning a passage set, you're always presented with the verses in order, and there are lots of tweaks to help you learn it as a passage rather than just a set of verses.
Catechisms are a question/answer method of learning Bible truth. While we don't think they are on a level with the Bible itself, they can be a very useful way of learning the truths the Bible teaches in a systematic way, and they fit well into the system LearnScripture uses for learning verses. Browse our list of catechisms.