TMS: B Pack
B Pack (Proclaiming Christ) of the Topical Memory System by the Navigators. All Have Sinned, Sin's Penalty, Christ Paid the Penalty, Salvation is not by Works, Must Receive Christ, and Assurance of Salvation.
Includes the following verses, 12 in total:
Romans 3:23,
Isaiah 53:6,
Romans 6:23,
Hebrews 9:27-28,
Romans 5:8,
1 Peter 3:18,
Ephesians 2:8-9,
Titus 3:5,
John 1:12-13,
Revelation 3:20
7 Beatitudes of Revelation
Includes the following verses, 7 in total:
Revelation 1:3,
Revelation 14:13,
Revelation 16:15,
Revelation 19:9,
Revelation 20:6,
Revelation 22:7,
Revelation 22:14
BBMG EE Verse Set
Description GRACE 1. Heaven is a free gift (Romans 6:23) 2. It is not earned or deserved (Ephesians 2:8-9) MAN 1. Is a sinner (Romans 3:23) 2. Cannot save himself (Matthew 5:48) GOD 1. Is merciful - therefore doesn't want to punish us (1John 4:8 and Jer 31:3) 2. is just - therefore must punish sin (Exodus 34:7 and Ezekal 18:4) CHRIST 1. Who He is - the infinite God-Man (John 1:1 &14) 2. What He did - He died on the cross and rose from dead to pay the penalty for our sins and to purchase a place in heaven for us (Isaiah 53:6) FAITH 1. What it is not - Mere intellectual assent Mere temporal faith (James 2:19) 2. What it is - trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life (Acts 16:31) (Rev 3:20, Acts 10:10 & 13, John 6:47, John 1:12-13) This is the method taught by Evangelism Explosion (EE) More info can be found at And EE card can be found at
Includes the following verses, 18 in total:
Romans 6:23,
Ephesians 2:8-9,
Romans 3:23,
Matthew 5:48,
1 John 4:8,
Jeremiah 31:3,
Exodus 34:7,
Ezekiel 18:4,
John 1:1,
John 1:14
edify bible verses
Includes the following verses, 33 in total:
Isaiah 40:8,
Isaiah 53:6,
Matthew 4:19,
Matthew 6:33,
Luke 9:23,
John 1:12,
John 5:24,
John 14:21,
John 15:7,
Romans 1:16
Fun easy verses
Includes the following verses, 6 in total:
John 3:16,
Romans 3:23,
John 16:33,
Genesis 1:1,
Jeremiah 10:10,
Joshua 1:9
John 1:1-5 by Nate
Includes the following verses, 5 in total:
John 1:1,
John 1:2,
John 1:3,
John 1:4,
John 1:5
Choose a verse (or a few verses). For long passages, you should create a 'passage' verse set.
Selection set
Selection verse sets are verses on a certain topic, or designed for a group of people to learn together.
Passage set
Passage verse sets are for a continuous set of verses, like a Psalm or a chapter or part of a chapter.
When you are learning a passage set, you're always presented with the verses in order, and there are lots of tweaks to help you learn it as a passage rather than just a set of verses.
Catechisms are a question/answer method of learning Bible truth. While we don't think they are on a level with the Bible itself, they can be a very useful way of learning the truths the Bible teaches in a systematic way, and they fit well into the system LearnScripture uses for learning verses. Browse our list of catechisms.