
treeswallow 2025-02-22 03:06

1 Weary and worn I long for rest,
Close Thou my eyes in sleep;
O let me lie upon Thy breast,
My rest in Thee complete!

2 Give me that inner consciousness
Of Thine exceeding peace,
And from all sorrow, grief and pain
Shall come a sweet release.

3 Then in the morning gird anew
My soul with strength divine;
The word of Thy salvation be
Assurance I am Thine!

4 Choose Thou the path in life for me,
And lead me by Thy hand;
May every impulse of my soul
Respond to Thy command!

A hymn by Mrs. E. M. Bohne

treeswallow 2025-01-22 02:28

You're welcome :) Here is one by John Newton:

1 Physician of my sin-sick soul
To thee I bring my case;
My raging malady controul,
And heal me by thy grace.

2 Pity the anguish I endure,
See how I mourn and pine;
For never can I hope a cure
From any hand but thine.

3 I would disclose my whole complaint,
But where shall I begin?
No words of mine can fully paint
That worst distemper, sin.

4 It lies not in a single part,
But thro' my frame is spread
A burning fever in my heart.
A palsy in my head.

5 It makes me deaf, and dumb, and blind,
And impotent and lame,
And overclouds and fills my mind,
With folly, fear and shame.

6 A thousand evil thoughts intrude,
Tumultuous in my breast;
Which indispose me for my food,
And rob me of my rest.

7 Lord I am sick, regard my cry,
And set my spirit free;
Say, canst thou let a sinner die,
Who longs to live to thee?

Tina2025 2025-01-19 10:47

This is a WONDERFUL hymn. Thanks for sharing!

treeswallow 2025-01-19 02:18

1. I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, O weary one, lay down
Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary, and worn, and sad;
I found in him a resting-place,
And he has made me glad.

2. I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one,
Stoop down, and drink, and live.”
I came to Jesus, and I drank
Of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quench'd, my soul revived,
And now I live in him.

3. I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“I am this dark world’s Light;
Look unto me, your morn shall rise,
And all your day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found
In him my Star, my Sun;
And in that Light of life I’ll walk,
Till trav'ling days are done.

A hymn by Horatius Bonar.

treeswallow 2024-10-08 02:01

1 Lord, and is thine anger gone?
And art thou pacify'd?
After all that I have done,
Dost thou no longer chide?
Infinite thy mercies are;
Beneath the weight I cannot move,
O 'tis more that I can bear,
The sense of pard'ning love!

2 Let it still my heart constrain,
And all my passions sway;
Keep me, lest I turn again
Out of the narrow way;
Force my vi'lence to be still,
And captivate my ev'ry thought;
Charm and melt, and change my will,
And bring me down to nought.

3 If I have begun once more
Thy sweet return to feel;
If even now I find thy pow'r
Present my soul to heal:
Still and quiet may I be,
Nor struggle out of thine embrace;
Never more resist or fly
From thy pursuing grace.

4 To the cross, thine altar, bind
Me with the cords of love;
Freedom let me never find
Form my dear Lord to move;
That I never, never more
May with my much-lov'd Master part,
To the posts of mercy's door
O nail my willing heart.

5 See my utter helplessness,
And leave me not alone;
O preserve in perfect peace,
And seal me for thine own!
More and more thyself reveal,
Thy presence let me always find;
Comfort and confirm, and heal,
My feeble, sin-sick mind.

6 As the apple of an eye
Thy weakest servant keep;
Help me at thy feet to lie,
And there for ever weep:
Tears of joy mine eyes o'erflow,
That I've an hope of heav'n;
Much of love I ought to know,
For I have much forgiv'n.

A hymn by Charles Wesley.

treeswallow 2023-11-12 02:26

1 Quiet, Lord, my froward heart;
Make me teachable and mild,
Upright, simple, free from art;
Make me as a weaned child,
From distrust and envy free,
Pleased with all that pleases Thee.

2 What Thou shalt to-day provide
Let me as a child receive;
What to-morrow may betide
Calmly to Thy wisdom leave:
'Tis enough that Thou wilt care;
Why should I the burden bear?

3 As a little child relies
On a care beyond his own,
Knows he's neither strong nor wise,
Fears to stir a step alone,--
Let me thus with Thee abide,
As my Father, Guard, and Guide.

4 Thus preserved from Satan's wiles,
Safe from dangers, free from fears,
May I live upon Thy smiles
Till the promised hour appears,
When the sons of God shall prove
All their Father's boundless love.

A wonderful hymn by John Newton.

joosep 2023-09-05 19:21

God's blessings upon you, JeanBeanM. John 14:27.

JeanBeanM 2023-09-05 16:30

I seem, sadly, to be carrying a lot of anxiety around (have been memorizing to try to help), and this hymn is helpful! Thank you, treeswallow!

treeswallow 2023-09-05 11:07

1 He holds the key of all unknown,
And I am glad;
If other hands should hold the key,
Or, if He trusted it to me,
I might be sad,
I might be sad.
2 What if tomorrow's cares were here
Without its rest?
I'd rather He unlocked the day
And as the hours swing open say,
“My will is best,”
“My will is best.”
3 The very dimness of my sight
Makes me secure;
For, groping in my misty way,
I feel His hand; I hear Him say,
“My help is sure,”
“My help is sure.”
4 I cannot read His future plans,
But this I know;
I have the smiling of His face,
And all the refuge of His grace,
While here below,
While here below.
5 Enough; this covers all my wants,
And so I rest;
For, what I cannot, He can see,
And in His care I safe shall be,
Forever blest,
Forever blest.

A hymn by John Parker.

JeanBeanM 2023-08-16 03:39


treeswallow 2023-08-16 01:56

1 O little flock, fear not the foe
Who madly seeks your overthrow;
Dread not his rage and pow'r.
And though your courage sometimes faints,
His seeming triumph o'er God's saints
Lasts but a little hour.

2 Be of good cheer; your cause belongs
To Him who can avenge your wrongs;
Leave it to Him, our Lord.
Though hidden yet from mortal eyes,
His Gideon shall for you arise,
Uphold you and His Word.

3 As true as God's own Word is true,
Not earth nor hell's satanic crew
Against us shall prevail.
Their might? A joke, a mere facade!
God is with us and we with God—
Our vict'ry cannot fail.

4 Amen, Lord Jesus, grant our prayer;
Great Captain, now Thine arm make bare,
Fight for us once again!
So shall Thy saints and martyrs raise
A mighty chorus to Thy praise
Forevermore. Amen.

A hymn by Michael Altenburg. A good one when the soul is thirsty for hope. Though a children's song, I am always comforted by, "Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong." Are we not all little in God's eyes? Yet He graciously gives us His strength in time of need.

joosep 2023-06-21 04:37

thank you for sharing that, that's beautiful

treeswallow 2023-06-20 20:18

It's been a while since anyone's posted on this discussion, so why not me?

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
and were the skies of parchment made;
were ev'ry stalk on earth a quill,
and ev'ryone a scribe by trade;
to write the love of God above
would drain the ocean dry;
nor could the scroll contain the whole,
though stretched from sky to sky.

The last verse of a hymn by Frederick Lehman.

Cali2022 2023-02-02 22:50

I like it.

treeswallow 2023-02-02 21:23

Here's a hymn that has touched me as I face a big decision in my life,

1 He leadeth me: O blessed thought!
O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
Whate'er I do, where'er I be,
still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.

He leadeth me, he leadeth me;
by his own hand he leadeth me:
his faithful follower I would be,
for by his hand he leadeth me.

2 Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom,
sometimes where Eden's flowers bloom,
by waters calm, o'er troubled sea,
still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.

3 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine,
nor ever murmur nor repine;
content, whatever lot I see,
since 'tis my God that leadeth me.

4 And when my task on earth is done,
when, by thy grace, the victory's won,
e'en death's cold wave I will not flee,
since God through Jordan leadeth me.

By Joseph Gilmore.

treeswallow 2023-01-01 17:48

Happy New Year everyone!!! Here's a good hymn that we sang at church this morning,

1 Another year is dawning!
Dear Father, let it be,
in working or in waiting,
another year with thee;
another year of leaning
upon thy loving breast,
another year of trusting,
of quiet, happy rest.

2 Another year of mercies,
of faithfulness and grace;
another year of gladness
in the shining of thy face;
another year of progress,
another year of praise,
another year of proving
thy presence all the days.

3 Another year of service,
of witness for thy love;
another year of training
for holier work above.
Another year is dawning!
Dear Father, let it be
on earth, or else in heaven,
another year for thee.

By Frances Havergal.

JeanBeanM 2022-12-26 20:12

Thank you, treeswallow. Great hymn!

treeswallow 2022-12-25 15:39

Merry Christmas everyone! Here's a good hymn to start the day,

1 In this our happy Christmastide
The joyful bells are ringing;
To praise be all our pow'rs applied,
God's grace and mercy singing;
In Him by whom the world was made,
Now in the lowly manger laid,
Rejoice we in the spirit;
Thy praise, O Savior, we will sound
Unto the earth's remotest bound,
That all the world shall hear it.

2 A little Son, the Virgin-born,
True God from everlasting
To rescue us who were forlorn,
His lot with us is casting;
It moved His tender heart to see
This world of sin and misery
In condemnation lying;
Therefore He came from realms above
Down to our earth, drawn by His love,
To sooth our grief and sighing.

3 Our thanks we offer Him today,
Although a poor oblation,
Alleluia! our joyful lay,
Shall sound through ev'ry nation;
Now in our camp the Ark we see,
Therefore we shout the victory
With joyful hearts unfearing;
We sing of peace, the peace profound,
That hell shall tremble at the sound,
Our Christmas anthem hearing.

4 That God has laid His anger by,
He by His gift hath shown us;
He gives His Son for us to die,
In Him He now doth own us;
These joyful tidings tell abroad,
That Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
From sin doth us deliver;
Who then should not be glad today
When Christ is born, the sinners' stay,
Who is of grace the giver?

5 As darkest night must fade and die
Before the sun's appearing,
So fades my grief away, when I
Think on these tidings cheering,
That God from all eternity
Hath loved the world, and hath on me
Bestowed His grace and favor;
I'll ne'er forget the angels' strain:
Peace--peace on earth, good will to men,
To you is born a Savior!

6 Although my joyful Christmas lay
Is mingled with my sighing,
The cross shall never take away
My joy and praise undying;
For when the heart is most opprest,
The harp of joy is tuned the best,
The better strains are ringing,
The cross itself, at Jesus' will,
Must aid my soul, that I may still
In grief His praise be singing.

7 Alleluia! our strife is o'er,
Who, then, should pine in sadness?
Who now should grieve in anguish sore
In these our days of gladness?
Thou Church of God, O sing this morn:
To us is Christ the Savior born,
O joy that none can sever!
Alleluia! sing thou my heart,
Now Christ is mine, I can depart
To be with Him forever.

By Hans Brorson.

treeswallow 2022-12-01 20:14

Another good one, by John Ernest Bode,

1 O Jesus, I have promised
To serve thee to the end;
Be thou forever near me,
My Master and my friend;
I shall not fear the battle
If thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
If thou wilt be my guide.

2 O let me feel thee near me!
The world is ever near:
I see the sights that dazzle,
The tempting sounds I hear.
My foes are ever near me,
Around me and within;
But, Jesus, draw thou nearer,
And shield my soul from sin.

3 O let me hear thee speaking
In accents clear and still,
Above the storms of passion,
The murmurs of self-will.
O speak to reassure me,
To hasten or control;
O speak, and make me listen,
Thou guardian of my soul.

4 O Jesus, thou hast promised
To all who follow thee
That where thou art in glory
There shall thy servant be.
And, Jesus, I have promised
To serve thee to the end;
O give me grace to follow,
My Master and my friend.

treeswallow 2022-11-05 19:48

1 O for a heart to praise my God,
a heart from sin set free;
a heart that's sprinkled with the blood
so freely shed for me:

2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek,
my great Redeemer's throne;
where only Christ is heard to speak,
where Jesus reigns alone:

3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart,
believing, true, and clean,
which neither life nor death can part
from him that dwells within:

4 A heart in every thought renewed,
and full of love divine;
perfect and right and pure and good —
a copy, Lord, of thine.

5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart,
come quickly from above;
write thy new name upon my heart,
thy new best name of Love.

By Charles Wesley

treeswallow 2022-10-11 18:45

Sorry if this one is a little long, I just found it very interesting. Keep in mind the typology between Joseph and our Lord Jesus Christ when reading it,

1 When Joseph his brethren behold,
Afflicted and trembling with fear;
His heart with compassion was fill'd,
From weeping he could not forbear;
A while his behaviour was rough,
to bring their past sins to their minds;
But when they were humbled enough,
He hasted to shew himself kind.

2 How little they thought it was he
Whom they had ill-treated and sold!
How great their confusion must be,
As soon as his name he had told!
"I am Joseph, your brother he said,
"And still to my heart you are dear;
"You sold me, and thought i was dead,
"But God, for your sakes sent me here."

3 Though greatly distressed before,
When charg'd with purloining the cup;
"They now were confounded much more,
Not one of them durst to look up,
"Can Joseph, whom we would have slain,,
"Forgive us the evil we did?
"And will he our houshold maintain?
"O this is a brother indeed!"

4 Thus, dragg'd by my conscience, I came,
And laden with guilt to the Lord;
Surrounded with terror and shame,
Unable to utter a word:
At first he look'd stern and severe,
What anguish then pierced my heart;
Expecting each moment to hear
The sentence, "Thou cursed depart."

5 But oh! what surprise when he spoke,
While tenderness beam'd in his face;
My heart then to pieces was brok,
O'erwhelm'd and counfounded by grace;
"Poor sinner, I know thee full well,
"By thee I was sold and was slain;
"But I died to redeem thee from hell,
"And raise thee in glory to reign.

6 "I am Jesus, whom thou hast blasphem'd,
"And crucify'd often afresh;
"But let me henceforth be esteem'd
"Thy brother, thy bone, and thy flesh;
"My pardon I freely bestow,
"Thy wants I will fully supply;
"I'll guide thee and guard thee below,
"And soon will remove thee on high.

7 "Go publish to sinners around,
"That they may be willing to come,
"The mercy which now you have found,
"And tell them that yet there is room."
Oh, sinners, the message obey!
No more vain excuses pretend;
But come without further delay,
To Jesus, our brother and friend.

John Newton

Jappel 2022-08-07 17:08

Thank you, treeswallow! An amazing song.

treeswallow 2022-08-07 14:58

1 My song is love unknown,
my Savior’s love to me,
love to the loveless shown
that they might lovely be.
Oh, who am I,
that for my sake
my Lord should take
frail flesh and die?

2 He came from his blest throne
salvation to bestow,
but such disdain! So few
the longed-for Christ would know!
But oh, my friend,
my friend indeed,
who at my need
his life did spend!

3 Sometimes they crowd his way
and his sweet praises sing,
resounding all the day
hosannas to their King.
Then “Crucify!”
is all their breath,
and for his death
they thirst and cry.

4 Why? What has my Lord done?
What makes this rage and spite?
He made the lame to run,
he gave the blind their sight.
Sweet injuries!
Yet they at these
themselves displease
and 'gainst him rise.

5 They rise and needs will have
my dear Lord made away.
A murderer they save,
the Prince of life they slay.
Yet cheerful he
to suff'ring goes
that he his foes
from death might free.

6 In life, no house, no home
my Lord on earth might have;
in death, no friendly tomb,
but what a stranger gave.
What may I say?
Heav’n was his home
but mine the tomb
wherein he lay.

7 Here might I stay and sing;
no story so divine,
never was love, dear King,
never was grief like thine.
This is my friend,
in whose sweet praise
I all my days
could gladly spend!

Samuel Crossman

I love the endings of verses 1, 5, and 6.

treeswallow 2022-08-04 21:12

1 O for a heart to praise my God,
a heart from sin set free;
a heart that's sprinkled with the blood
so freely shed for me:
2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek,
my great Redeemer's throne;
where only Christ is heard to speak,
where Jesus reigns alone:
3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart,
believing, true, and clean,
which neither life nor death can part
from him that dwells within:
4 A heart in every thought renewed,
and full of love divine;
perfect and right and pure and good —
a copy, Lord, of thine.
5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart,
come quickly from above;
write thy new name upon my heart,
thy new best name of Love.

Charles Wesley

Jappel 2022-05-29 03:42

You ain't alone in that, Goodnews

Goodnews 2022-05-28 12:10

find learning the Psalms much easier if i can sing them

treeswallow 2022-05-27 18:37

I've always liked "What Wondrous Love is This". "What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss to bear the dreadful curse for my soul". "When I was sinking down beneath God's righteous frown, Christ laid aside His crown for my soul". We do well to ponder on the great love of God, in that while we were still sinners He sent His only Son to die for us.

Jappel 2022-05-27 16:22

Totally agree, Goodnews

randazz065 2022-05-27 14:41

Let us love and sing and wonder, let us praise the savior's name!! He has hushed the law's loud thunder he has quenched Mount Sinai's flame,
he has washed us with his blood, he has brought us nigh to God.

Let us wonder; grace and Justice join and point to mercies store, When through grace in Christ our trust is, justice smiles and ask no more, he who washed us with his blood has secured our way to God.

Let us praise and join the chorus of the saints enthroned on high, here they trusted him before us, now their praises fill the sky, You have washed us with Your blood, you are worthy Lamb of God!

John Newton

Goodnews 2022-05-27 11:25

the two verses that mention Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs are two favorites of mine. Try to Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs when Bible study group meets at my house. Hard to find a church where all three are in the service

Jappel 2022-05-25 22:41

My favorite Hymn is Nothing But the Blood. In nearly any church that I have been in, I have made it a priority to know which number it is, just in case they ask for favorites. :)
What can wash away my sin? What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
What an amazing truth!!! ✝🩸


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