
JDJDJD — on news item “Luli2016 joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-04-10 21:17

Welcome Luli 😊👍

JDJDJD 2017-04-08 22:34

That's a great idea. Maybe someone will start one. 😀

Chris54 2017-04-08 12:39

Is there now a 30 million club? That is really a goal to aim for. Learning all those verses would be an unbelievable blessing!

TheCavlery — on news item “TheCavlery joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-03-29 06:31

Haha yes, whatever keeps you coming back :-)

JDJDJD — on news item “TheCavlery joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-03-28 23:17

It's a great group of people and it's lovely to have some company along the way, not to mention a bit of healthy competition 😉

TheCavlery — on news item “TheCavlery joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-03-28 15:52

It's great to be here. I have to admit I've been eyeing this place up...

JDJDJD — on news item “TheCavlery joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-03-28 07:41

Welcome. Glad you could join us.

JDJDJD — on news item “FionaT joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-03-08 23:12

Welcome to the group Fiona. Glad you could join us :)

JDJDJD — on news item “Sylavash joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-02-25 23:00

😀 Absolutely. Me too!

Sylavash — on news item “Sylavash joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-02-25 04:21

Thank you! Little accomplishments help me keep going

JDJDJD — on news item “Sylavash joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-02-25 01:31

Yay. welcome👍

Sylavash 2017-02-24 22:50

Awesomeness! I can hang with the cool kids now.

JDJDJD 2017-02-24 22:24

Yay. Well done Sylavash. You should get an invitation now.

Sylavash 2017-02-24 19:08

Hey, Can I join now? please

JDJDJD 2017-01-24 00:25

Yes it's back 😊So glad about that👍

kcr21 2017-01-24 00:23

For me, itz back, JDJDJD. It disappeared for a couple of days, but on my dashboard, it's there now

JDJDJD 2017-01-22 17:31

The news section seems to have disappeared. I miss seeing how everyone is getting on. Hopefully it will come back but feel free to chat here in the meantime.

kcr21 2017-01-05 23:09

I do enjoy it a lot it helps me with school and getting closer to God and I will never find a better memorizing site. I'm especially glad its free!

JDJDJD 2017-01-05 22:59

Hi kcr21. Thanks for asking. This group is for those who have at least 2 million points. It looks like you're doing really well and it won't be too long before you get there. 👍 You should get an invitation to this group then. I hope you enjoy this website as much as I do. It's so good to immerse ourselves in God's word while learning it and getting to know God better. It's nice to encourage each other along the way too. 😊📖🏃‍♀️🏅

kcr21 2017-01-05 22:39

fyi am not in this group yet

kcr21 2017-01-05 22:38

For consistent learner?

JDJDJD 2016-09-28 14:24

If you follow the green line back it shows one verse every day until you get to 6th July where it drops to zero. Presumably around 6th October you will get the 3 month badge.

Chris54 2016-09-28 12:01

How can you tell that from the graph?

Gilligan 2016-09-24 01:32

Me too! I'd wondered if the dashboard and the graph updated at different times of day. I've spent more time consolidating the last few weeks - I knew I would we out of WiFi for a few days so I couldn't get the next badge for a while.

Robinshe 2016-09-23 05:03

Been there, done that...

JDJDJD 2016-09-22 22:28

Hi Chris. I'm just looking at your graphs. It's shows you missed a day about 4th July so you should get the next badge in a couple of weeks. It looks like the day before you learnt 2 verses. The same happened beginning of May. Each time you get to almost 3 months. When I was getting my consistent learner badges I kept a check on the graph each day as it varies slightly from the number shown on the dashboard. I can't remember exactly how but if you start a verse but don't finish it, it shows on one but not the other. When you go back and complete that verse the opposite happens. So it's easy to miss a day on your graph when you actually did learn a new verse. Does that help or make sense at all? If it's any consolation, twice I got to a couple of days short of 9 months and missed a day by accident!
Stopping learning a verse also alters your graph.

Chris54 2016-09-22 11:09

I think I'm missing consistent learner badges.
I've sent a couple of contact messages but haven't received any responses.
It's not a high priority for me. I went through a competitive phase but it was really hurting my memorization so I worked at, and found, the best pace for me.
That being said, I still like the badges.

JDJDJD 2016-09-20 22:28

On the help page there is a contact us button and also an email address -
Have you tried both of those options?

Robinshe 2016-09-20 19:42

I have no idea who (if anyone?) is maintaining this site. Which badges are you missing?

Chris54 2016-09-20 12:56

My badges don't seem to be updating. I've contacted the app a couple times but no response.
Any thoughts out there?

Chris54 2016-09-20 12:54

I'm recovering well and thanking God for His care of me.

JDJDJD 2016-09-13 20:55

Oh wow Chris. Hope you get over it soon. So glad you can use the time so profitably.

Robinshe 2016-09-13 20:20

HI Chris, good to hear you´re doing ok after surgery. Must be a little trying to have to keep your head at the right angle, but glad that you can at least keep your head busy with scripture! Hope you make a quick recovery! Take care...

Chris54 2016-09-13 12:16

I just had retinal surgery yesterday. But,praise God,the doctor said I can still use my other eye for reading as long as I keep my head parallel to the floor during recovery. Recovery is 4-8 weeks but I'll still be able to memorize and read scripture.

JDJDJD — on news item “mssnrygrl joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2016-07-21 22:03

Welcome 😊

Karenguy88 — on news item “albertlok joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2016-07-01 04:43

Blessings to you!

JDJDJD 2016-06-04 08:56

Welcome 😀 So glad you joined us.

jcosimi 2016-06-04 07:25

Thanks JDJDJD....!!

JDJDJD — on news item “albertlok joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2016-05-31 23:20

👍 Welcome. I'm sure you'll get lots of encouragement here.

Karenguy88 2016-05-17 01:38

Praise God, Cboldwoman!

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