If you like LearnScripture.net and want to spread the word about it, our referral program will help you get badges while you do so!
How it works
You first need an account, and need to sign in to get the full instructions and the referral link.
Please don't:
- Send bulk emails to friends about this. Many of them may consider this to be spam, or even think it came from us, and you may give LearnScripture.net a bad name!
Please do:
- Post this link to social sites like Twitter or Pinterest (as long as you don't post it repeatedly and annoy people!)
- Include some personal comment about why you like LearnScripture.net or how it has helped you.
Specific pages
You can also get a referral link for specific pages. At the bottom of most pages that make good starting points, you'll see 'Share link'. These will automatically use the right URL with the '?from=' bit added. Click on the link to select it and share.
This can be especially useful to get a group of friends to start learning a verse set, or to join a group.