13 Sep 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on We have a dog's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-13 23:49

we just got a half germen shepherd half pit-bull puppy!

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on THE MINECRAFT ADDICTS GROUP!'s wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-13 23:39

nope, it does not make chickens.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-13 23:38

we are none denominational.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Calvinists's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-13 00:38

Lasher, I think that you should study more into the Calvinist doctrine. because they don't say that the elect are just the ones that God knows that repent but rather they say God says he CHOOSES who will go to heaven and who would go to Hell. and they say man his NO CHOICE in the matter. they don't get to choose but rather God. if that was the God of the Bible then that would make him a evil God because he could have saved the whole world. but he chose not to. Lasher, I urge you to start looking into this stuff. I have studied this stuff for years so it is not like I don't know about their doctrine. love warns and if I did not love you and everyone else I would not be posting this. God clearly states that he gave man a free will and that God does not force people to go to Heaven or Hell. the Calvinist don't even read their Bible because if they did they would have changed their doctrine to what the Bible teaches. and also in the Bible when people killed baby's he called it a abomination. and do you think if God called that an abomination about just killing the babies that he would turn around and burn them in Hell. baby's are completely innocent. they are not wicked sinners like the Calvinist think. ask your self this question, what sin do baby's do? we have talked to a Calvinist before and when we asked him this he said "well, they cry!" crying is not a sin! the shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35. "Jesus wept." all baby that die go to heaven but that does not mean that God approves abortion. God says that he HATES hands that shed innocent blood. and that is what abortion is. they are just killing baby's for the money. the Bible says for the love of money is the root of ALL evil. please think about this. -Joshua.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on THE MINECRAFT ADDICTS GROUP!'s wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-13 00:21

do you ever make a box of tnt and put eggs in it and blow it up? I learned that from Adam. LOL! =D

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-13 00:19

im on!

12 Sep 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Calvinists's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-12 05:20

That still does not make abortion good because God has plan for those baby's life's. who knows, maybe one of the baby's that has gotten aborted could had invented the cure for cancer etc.. the bible says that Christ died for the whole world and not just the "elect" the Bible says for God so loved the WORLD not the elect. the bible says that who ever repents will have eternal life but Calvinist believe that God pre-ordained before the foundation of the world who would go to heaven and who would go to Hell. But the Bible clearly states that God gives everyone a chance to repent and to know him. and also Calvinist believe that God forces people to get saved and then does not give man a free will but then how come Adam and Eve sinned against God if they did not have a free will. there are many flaws in the Calvinist circle. it is not like I don't love Calvinist, my grandparents are Calvinist but their doctrine is still untrue it is not what the Bible teaches.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on I LIKE PANCAKES's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-12 05:11

LOL! lasher, you are right. "I like dog" is a weird one though. it should be "I like dogs."

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on The Aussie group's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-12 05:09

yeah, I guess that is some thing that will always be the same. LOL! I also kind of like British accents as well...

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on THE MINECRAFT ADDICTS GROUP!'s wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-12 05:06

It looks like you can! I never really noticed that either! hey, why don't you post a pic for us to see Lasher?

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-12 05:04

that is so true! I am going to bed when Lasher is waking up! LOL!

7 Sep 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Calvinists's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-07 23:53

no, I am not a Calvinist because they believe un-elect innocent babies are burning in Hell when the Bible teaches other wise.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on The GOD SQUAD group!'s wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-07 23:50

why are you so scared to tell us how old you are Elijah?

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on I LIKE PANCAKES's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-07 23:48

this is a weird group. LOL.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on 1,000,000,000 people can join's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-07 23:47

"well? if you make a group just the same as someone else and you call it rude, then you are calling your own group rude as well."

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-07 23:45

yep, we go there to their house some times too. we have to drive allllllllllllllll night!

2 Sep 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-09-02 23:07

I am too!

29 Aug 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-29 01:08

I'm not sure, I will have to look. but I do think so..........

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Lasher's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-29 00:22

are you on Lasher?

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Lasher's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-29 00:21

I turn 13 January 10!

26 Aug 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on The Aussie group's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-26 05:20

yeah, I know. I guess it is kind of like people who speak another language, we think that they talk weird, and they think we talk weird. LOL!

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Lasher's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-26 05:17

nope. level 9 is the very top.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-26 05:17

well, this android is better then most because it was only made last year and they are really expensive as well....

22 Aug 2014


JoshuaAdamHartinger joined group Jesus is a friend of mine

Lasher 2014-08-25 00:18

Hey Josh, are you on?????

Lasher 2014-08-25 00:19

Do you know what the time difference between us is???.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Nease's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-22 15:01

hope you like using this site! if you need help with anything just let me know or also you can contact Luke Plant and he will hook you up as well. have fun!

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Mobile's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-22 15:00

I'm using a android now a lot to go on here now... thought I might join!

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on THE MINECRAFT ADDICTS GROUP!'s wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-22 14:55

I have the pocket edition now. does anyone else?

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on The Aussie group's wall

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-22 14:54

I am not Australian, but I sure do wish I had the Australian accent! but we are somewhat Swedish because my great grandfather was totally Swedish. even though I don't sound like I'm Swedish! LOL! and I'm some what related to Robert e. Lee and George Washington as well... but that's a whole other story.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-22 14:49

well, it's not really an ipad, it is a new android that just came out last year... yeah, and I cant believe either that someone would throw something as expensive as that away. we live in a weird world! LOL!

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Lasher's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-22 14:47

yeah, that happens to me a lot to Luke.

21 Aug 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-21 03:32

Someone was throwing two away in the box one of them worked and the other one did not.

20 Aug 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Lasher's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-20 00:22

Hey Adam.

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-20 00:21

Hey, now I am! I am using our new iPad.

15 Aug 2014

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-15 01:13


JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on Lasher's activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-15 01:13

good job!

JoshuaAdamHartinger posted a comment on their activity

JoshuaAdamHartinger 2014-08-15 01:13

now I am!


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