Good to hear. And yes it was a blessed Lord's day, uncle Bill was preaching, looked at Luke 5 in the morning, on our sin and the holiness of God, then in the evening in Joshua 15, looking at Caleb and his family members and what we can learn from each of them :D
Well it doesn't take that much time, half an hour per day, not that much :) plus I enjoy doing it so I can always make time for it :D how was church yesterday?
Bethan is actually on holiday for a week :p the only reason I lost it was because it deducted my weekly points by quite a bit, I must have been using it quite a lot last Saturday :P
You could click onto me, scroll down onto my badges and then find the badge 'recruiter', after that click on the 'referral system' and that should give you your link which you can then copy and paste to other people to sign them up :) see you soon!