
  • Jeremiah 42:12: I will have compassion on you so that he in turn will have mercy on you and allow you to return to your land.'

  • Psalm 119:93: I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have revived me.

  • Matthew 15:19: For out of the heart come evil ideas, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

  • Hebrews 5:14: But solid food is for the mature, whose perceptions are trained by practice to discern both good and evil.

  • Jeremiah 26:4: Tell them that the LORD says, 'You must obey me! You must live according to the way I have instructed you in my laws.

  • Numbers 16:8: Moses said to Korah, "Listen now, you sons of Levi!

  • Isaiah 6:7: He touched my mouth with it and said, "Look, this coal has touched your lips. Your evil is removed; your sin is forgiven."

  • Numbers 22:29: And Balaam said to the donkey, "You have made me look stupid; I wish there were a sword in my hand, for I would kill you right now."

  • Isaiah 46:6: Those who empty out gold from a purse and weigh out silver on the scale hire a metalsmith, who makes it into a god. They then bow down and worship it.

  • Matthew 12:8: For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath."

  • Daniel 1:19: When the king spoke with them, he did not find among the entire group anyone like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, or Azariah. So they entered the king's service.

  • Isaiah 35:7: The dry soil will become a pool of water, the parched ground springs of water. Where jackals once lived and sprawled out, grass, reeds, and papyrus will grow.

  • Matthew 15:20: These are the things that defile a person; it is not eating with unwashed hands that defiles a person."


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Put together by EileenS.
Created on Jun 24, 2024.


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