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18 Nov 2022


rvfc2 reached 800 verses finished

onfire247 2022-11-18 05:02

What an awesome achievement, rvfc2!

rvfc2 2022-11-18 05:10

Thanks, onfire247! May the Lord use our memory verses to guide and direct us. :-)

TheMoviegoer 2022-11-18 12:40

Amazing, rvfc2! This an incredible accomplishment!

brooke19 2022-11-18 13:28

Good job! Thats a lot of verses and hard work accomplished!!

rvfc2 2022-11-19 06:09

Thanks for your encouragement, TheMoviegoer and brooke19. I think that for me the most challenging accomplishment is to internalize the word of God - over and above merely learning the words, to be changed by it, to make it truly how I think and respond to people/situations.

TheMoviegoer 2022-11-19 12:50

There is a certain humility that comes from this process. I have so many more verses memorized than I did a couple of years ago, and yet I still need God's grace and forgiveness as much as I ever have. I have long given up the notion that I will be this fountain of quotation that I envisioned when I started.

Carla_Bryant 2022-11-19 20:15

Thank you for this, Moviegoer, I needed that reminder.

rvfc2 2022-11-20 04:47

Yes, thank you TheMoviegoer. I heard someone speak recently of how it can seem a great distance to bring what is in the head down to the heart. That seems to be the case for me. We do need God's grace and forgiveness constantly. And He is so kind and patient to give it to us.

TheMoviegoer 2022-11-20 06:59



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