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9 Mar 2023


TheMoviegoer started learning Complete - Mark 01

joosep 2023-03-10 06:37

496 as of 10 March! (or rather, here where I live it is 10 March as I write this)

TheMoviegoer 2023-03-10 15:05

Haha, its 496 everywhere!

joosep 2023-03-10 16:36

Yes indeed, it's 496 everywhere. But it wasn't 10 March everywhere ;)

TheMoviegoer 2023-03-10 17:22

LOL! Very true. I traveled to Japan over Christmas, and dealing with the date line is very, very crazy. Thanks for the almost mid-march encouragement!

joosep 2023-03-11 03:09

I wish to you many blessings in your Scripture endeavors!

TheMoviegoer 2023-03-11 12:46

Likewise! What are you working on at the moment?

joosep 2023-03-12 02:19

I'm doing what I might call a survey of various parts of the Bible. I use a Google Spreadsheet to set a completion goal for each portion.

For example, I'm going through Revelation, sets of 10 verses at a time which I review for 3 days, to be completed in 121 days. There are 404 verses in Revelation, divided by sets of ten makes 40 sets, times 3 -- because I review each set for 3 days -- equals about 121 days for completion.

I'm doing the same with other parts of the Bible.

So at the moment my goal is not to reach "fully learnt" but rather to cover larger portions of the Bible as a whole, and going through them slowly and meditatively.

I use the "practice" option whiche each verse that scores less than 90% as I review, and keep repeating that practice option on the spot, until I can get 100%. That's my method of doing it slowly and meditatively.

joosep 2023-03-12 02:20

You're up to 507 now! good job!

Saintman 2023-03-12 02:56

Hi Joosep, I'm doing Revelation at the moment too!
A very interesting verse is 1:3 which says that you are blessed for reading it, and memorizing it.

joosep 2023-03-12 03:09

Hello Saintman, nice to "see" you :)
I agree, that thought came to my mind as well.

joosep 2023-03-12 03:11

I meant to say, Revelation is intended for us to read, and study, and memorize; yes, many parts of it are difficult to understand, but as we study we can increase in wisdom as the Holy Spirit leads us in our thinking. And the parts which we do not yet understand, I believe, we can receive them as children, and still be blessed. Our heavenly Father said it, so we believe it. Just like how a young child in a healthy household believes anything which his or her father says.

TheMoviegoer 2023-03-12 03:49

Thanks, joosep!

I like your plan. If I hadn't really committed to "fully learnt," I am not sure I would still be working on Mark. I believe that I am pretty much already there with it. And I agree with you that taking clear, methodical, paced sections of scripture would be very helpful. I am just not sure about Revelation. Memorization certainly brings clarity and understanding, but Mark's clear narrative is really an aid to memorization. I am afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it together well in Revelation. But you never know. Maybe after I & II Peter, I'll give it a try. Although, I am keeping my eye on Hebrews.

Anyway, keep up the good work! And may the mysteries and wonder of Revelation draw you even closer to Christ!

joosep 2023-03-12 03:53

Thank you Moviegoer :) at this point my goal for Revelation is not memorization, but that clear and methodical, meditative pace you mentioned :) I would certainly agree that Mark's clear narrative is a great aid to memorization. I'm looking forward to the day when I read here that you've begun 1 Peter!

TheMoviegoer 2023-03-12 06:35

Haha, me too!


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