No, I don’t review verses that have reached 100% - they’re in a category you could call ‘I know this verse now, more-or-less’. Reaching 100% on this site is not the same, for me, as word-perfect perfect recall. But when a chapter comes up for review, I do use ‘test-instead-of-read’ until there are just a few verses left, so I am reviewing the 100% verses in that case.
thank you for sharing that. Recently I've begun using a spreadsheet to "memorize"some specific areas of the Bible. The spreadsheet determines when I will review the passage again. I expect I'll do it almost the same as you, moving on after the passage reaches 100 percent. Some of these verses are passages which I'm memorizing for the 2nd time, having done a big reset several months ago. I pray to be consistent with this, as some others are here.