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25 Mar 2025


TheMoviegoer reached 900 verses started

joosep 2025-03-25 17:48

well done .... and, how are things going?

TheMoviegoer 2025-03-25 23:05

Well, I am in the middle of Hebrews 4. The first 2 chapters came really easily. They have a nice flow. Three got trickier, and I am struggling with the logic of chapter 4. It's all true, of course. I just mean that the writer is making and argument that is hard to hold together in chunks.

How are you doing? Have you settled on a system you like yet?

joosep 2025-03-26 04:47

Using a spreadsheet for a list of passages. Some of them I "memorized" long ago but now have reset. The spreadsheet determines the next review date. I use the hints and a lot of repetition. Hebrews is a wonderful epistle and I'd love to add that one to my spreadsheet .... someday lol.

PeterP 2025-03-26 06:47

I too am working through Hebrews now. I’ve reached the middle of chapter 5. But I know what you mean about the ‘logic’ of chapter 4. As I review it, I’m increasingly realising that I don’t have a very firm grasp of God’s offer to us to enter his eternal rest ‘today’, and to live in the reality of that rest.

TheMoviegoer 2025-03-26 12:36

Thanks, joosep and PeterP!
I look forward to you joining us in Hebrews, too, joosep!
PeterP, how cool that we are in the same book and pretty close. I have just started putting Hebrews 4:6-11 in rotation (and the breaks are odd for me,). I hope to get CH 4 soon, so I can work on the logic in my head.


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