I’ve spent the last few years memorizing the Bible, and in the process of doing so, I’ve come up with a multi-tool approach for helping verses stick in my brain. Here are the tools I currently use:
1. I find it hard to keep the verse locations in the Bible anchored in my mind when I am learning individual verses on this website for two reasons. First, some books have multiple verses which are great for memorizing (I’m looking at you Romans and Ephesians), but they all seem to run together when I try to keep them straight in my brain. Second, you see the passage right before you test on a verse, so it is too easy for me to know the passage location without actually knowing it because I have just seen it 10 seconds before. To overcome this, I use the Quizlet Learn and Test features which allows me to test myself on the locations in a multiple-choice format without seeing them ahead of time. 2. For keeping long passages retained over time, I find using the Anki program with the “Bible Memorizer” addon (https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2012700632). This addon will take a long passage and break it down into a grid format, with each square containing the first letter of each word of a verse all in a sequence with punctuation included (see link for example). When I go to review the passage, I just look at the grid and replace the letters with words as I speak the passage out verbally or subvocally. 3. For learning individual verses, I use this website exclusively. I love how it slowly removes words, tricking you into saying the verse multiple times without realizing it. I also like how it moves from word blocks to passage blocks around 20%. Indeed, this website is spectacular for testing your memorization for at least the first 60%-70% of mastering a verse. I’d love to see what methods other people use to enhance their memorization retention in addition to this website!