
The SLDT is a group meant for both males and females who strive to become, and encourage others in becoming Biblical leaders; a concept harder to find nowadays... There are no doubt thousands of secular, leadership books one could probably research (like John Maxwell), but most of them are slowly catching up now to what the Bible actually has to say about leadership already. A biblical leader is not someone who is filled with prideful ambition, nor selfish gain, nor lust for power, nor godlessness, nor corporate/businessmen like mentality, nor dictatorial, nor hypocritical, nor an exclusivist, nor are they even Pharisaical.

The reason why this group is called the SLDT, is because of what it stands for. The Bible encourages us to be servants towards our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, just as Jesus was a servant to the disciples and others. The Bible also encourages us to mentor and lead people just as Paul guided men like Titus and Timothy. And by combining those two things together, we prep others to do the same which in result will create a discipleship model which Jesus himself practiced when he gathered the 12 disciples. I feel much of the church today has lost touch this concept which was practiced by the Early Christian Church, and in these darker times we need very desperately to get that back.

“If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work upon brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and instill into them just principles, we are then engraving that upon tablets which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten to all eternity. " Daniel Webster

Recent comments

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Cassandra.Net 2014-05-22 03:22

WOW! Thanks for the Humble Pie lol

Bennihana87 2014-05-20 01:07

Since I did not see any results for 'humble' or 'humility' earlier this morning, I have just compiled a verse set list for such a topic. Thank you Cassie for being such an inspiration! I plan on learning these and hope these help others along the way.

Bennihana87 2014-05-19 12:35

Thank you for joining :D Typing in the word 'humility' I didn't see anything, so I may consider compiling a list on that soon. I also didn't see any results when I typed 'leadership' in the search list either.

Cassandra.Net 2014-05-19 01:45

Thanks for writing that and starting this group. I hope this helps us glorify God in our servanhood. I was just thinking recently about humility...hopefully there are some verses on that in the verse list. :)

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Created by Bennihana87, on May 18, 2014.


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