
joosep 2019-03-03 03:02

JDJDJD, I just took a look. Everything seems normal for me. Try going there and clicking on the button that says "Weakest First". Then do your search, and the first ones which come up in your search should be the verses which you have recently added, etc. I hope that helps.

JDJDJD 2019-03-02 23:27

Does anybody else’s progress chart show 5 stars beside every verse now? Even the ones just started? I don’t often look there so I don’t know how long it’s been like that. Is it supposed to be that way now?

JDJDJD — on news item “Wv joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2019-01-25 23:16

Glad you could join us. I hope you’ll be blessed by being here.

JDJDJD — on news item “NewTestamentMemorizer joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2019-01-02 00:14

That’s lovely to hear. This site has helped me to appreciate some of the Psalms more too.

JDJDJD 2019-01-02 00:10

Happy New Year everyone. May you know the Lord’s rich hand in blessing. Thanking the Lord for each one of you as you encourage me on in my scripture learning. It’s good to have your company.

NewTestamentMemorizer — on news item “NewTestamentMemorizer joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-12-29 01:49

Yes! Along with my new testament memorization, I am learning several familiar psalms, which is helping me learn new things and actively growing my love for the book of Psalms.

JDJDJD — on news item “NewTestamentMemorizer joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-12-28 23:39

Welcome. Hope you enjoy the support here. It’s good to see you learning scripture so consistently.

JDJDJD — on news item “a1 joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-10-28 23:44

🎉so glad you could join us👍

dadster — on news item “dadster joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-10-23 07:27

Thanks...I was a somewhat belated joiner! 😊

JDJDJD — on news item “dadster joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-10-22 21:42

Hmm. I think I must have missed this! Welcome to the group 👍🎉

JDJDJD — on news item “JulieMSmith joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-07-25 22:28

👍 Glad you could join us.

JDJDJD — on news item “Angela-Grace joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-07-13 21:53

👍 welcome to this group. Hope you enjoy the company and encouragement.

JDJDJD — on news item “tatert joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-05-16 07:42

Welcome to the group. So glad you could join us. 😊

JDJDJD — on news item “Clarinetgirl joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-04-03 22:32

Glad you could join us. 👍 Hope you enjoy the encouragement and friendly competition 😊

JDJDJD — on news item “bchen joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2018-01-22 21:21

Great you could join us. Hope you find it an encouragement 😊👍

JDJDJD 2017-12-25 22:09

Happy Christmas to everyone and may the Lord continue to bless you richly in 2018. I’m looking forward to learning many more verses in 2018. Thanks for the good company and encouragement you all are. 😊

joosep — on news item “joosep joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-10-08 04:45

I'm glad to hear about the good affect it's had on you as well :) Amen.

JDJDJD — on news item “joosep joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-10-07 21:16

That's great to hear your testimony Joosep. Yes I too have been a lot different since I started learning scripture through this sight. I have a deep peace that passes understanding and I'm learning more about who the Lord really is every day. Yes I still have a long way to go but it's good to be going in the right direction. The Lord is good 😊

joosep — on news item “joosep joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-10-07 03:20

Thank you JDJDJD! Your words are very encouraging. This is my testimony: I've been a Christian for a long time, since the seventies. But I've only started really intensely to study / meditate on / memorize God's Word since December 2014 when I found Memverse. Then in May 2015 I started on this site. Anyway, my life is different since I started doing this. I have a lot more peace and I feel closer to Him than I did before. I really love studying His Word. We love doing that because we love Him! And we love Him because He first loved us. Amen.

JDJDJD — on news item “joosep joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-10-06 21:53

I've only just seen your comment Joosep. I'm sure your not discouraging anyone. I certainly love to see loads of activity on this site. 😊👍It encourages me to see folks earning points and therefore must be spending time in Gods word. But I understand if that's what you want to do. Just let me know when you need the invite back. If I don't spot your comment here, put a comment on one of my news feed items. It seems like you have a great plan for study. Maybe I need to change my approach somewhat. I just love this site for every reason. Apart from spending time in God's word here there are some great folk and it's such an encouragement to me to see others spending time in God's word as they are learning scripture 👍🎉

joosep — on news item “joosep joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-09-24 17:31

Hello JDJDJD, I've decided to leave this group and also the other Leaderboard for Everyone. I've been adding a huge number of verses -- and I'm concerned that might seem odd to others or be discouraging to see how many points I'm accumulating simply by adding so many verses. It might seem unfair to see someone high on the list but based mainly on new verses added. As to why I'm doing this: I'm doing it so I can go through some specific parts of the Bible in order: Mark, John, Romans, Ephesians, and Revelation. My long-range plan for the next several months is to go through all those books in order several times. (I'm not paying much attention to the review queue at this point).

Once I'm not adding verses anymore, then I'll join the Leaderboard for Everyone again, and this one too, though I hate to trouble you to have to send an invitation.

I hope my explanation makes some sense. It's just want I feel the Lord wants me to do at this moment of my life in the study of His Word. I'll still be commenting here and there :)

Daylyte 2017-08-27 20:59

👍 Ditto!

JDJDJD 2017-08-27 14:58

Hope you enjoy our company as we learn together. 🙂

Robinshe 2017-08-26 12:41

Good job, Daylyte!

Daylyte 2017-08-26 11:28

Appreciate the invitation!

JDJDJD 2017-08-02 00:03

So glad you decided to join us 👍

joosep 2017-08-01 03:01

thanks for the invitation! --Joosep

JDJDJD 2017-07-31 23:34

I think I've deleted someone out this group. 🙄🤦‍♀️I don't know who it was 😩 So if it was you please accept my apologies, and let me know and I'll send you another invite.

Mr_Cowley — on news item “Mr_Cowley joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-07-29 15:47

Thank you!

JDJDJD — on news item “Mr_Cowley joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-07-28 23:47

Welcome 😀

Bassettg — on news item “Bassettg joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-06-03 23:16

Thank you!

JDJDJD — on news item “Bassettg joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-06-03 22:27

Yay! Glad you could join us. Hope you enjoy the company and competition. 👍

Bassettg 2017-06-03 17:13

Thank you! 😀

JDJDJD 2017-06-03 07:53

Well done on reaching 2,000,000 Bassettg. You should have your invitation now. 😊looking forward to you joining us.

Bassettg 2017-06-03 02:47

Please add me to this group

JDJDJD 2017-05-29 00:25

Hopefully you've received your invitation by now. That should enable you to join the group 👍Look forward to you joining us 😊

kcr21 2017-05-28 23:19

But for some reason I can't join this group!

kcr21 2017-05-28 23:19

I'm back on LearnScripture

JDJDJD — on news item “angelalamb87 joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-05-24 21:00

So glad you decided to join us. It's nice to have a bit of company and friendly competition along the way 😊

JDJDJD — on news item “Aimswell joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2017-05-16 10:45

Welcome. glad you could join us. I'm sure you'll find encouragement here, not to mention a bit of healthy competition 😉

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