15 Dec 2017

Shidiro posted a comment on Chris54's activity

Shidiro 2017-12-15 13:05

Hello friend, keep up the good work and CONGRATZ...!!!

14 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 70 verses started

13 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 400,000 points

12 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 60 verses started

11 Dec 2017

Shidiro posted a comment on Jamieli7's activity

Shidiro 2017-12-11 05:40

CONGRATZ on L7 Consistent Learner that’s fantastic...!!!


Shidiro reached 300,000 points

10 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 50 verses started

9 Dec 2017

8 Dec 2017

Shidiro posted a comment on their activity

Shidiro 2017-12-08 23:32

Hello and thank you for taking a moment to post-a-note. I'll definitely consider joining the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone."


Shidiro reached 40 verses started


Shidiro reached 200,000 points


Shidiro earned Consistent learner - level 1

Robinshe 2017-12-08 18:10

Congratulations on your first consistency badge! Off to a great start, may it become a habit that brings you joy and blessings. If you´d like company as you study, feel free to join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone", lots of encouragement there!

Shidiro 2017-12-08 23:32

Hello and thank you for taking a moment to post-a-note. I'll definitely consider joining the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone."

7 Dec 2017

Shidiro posted a comment on steve.shibley's activity

Shidiro 2017-12-07 13:01

I’ll take a look, I appreciate the invitation.

6 Dec 2017

Shidiro posted a comment on steve.shibley's activity

Shidiro 2017-12-06 18:01

I'm hoping to commit until January 2019. Undoubtedly, the sweetest seasons of my walk with God have been those that I've committed to the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory, not only is my mind being renewed and my spirit more sensitive to God's leading; without fail my interactions with believers and non-believers alike are undeniably more often influenced by the Holy Spirit as the Scriptures comes to light and alive in seemingly random discussions at an eye-popping rate. It's truly AMAZING...! Maybe in the same way a Butcher gets excited about getting his favorite knife finely sharpened, the Holy Spirit longs for us to sharpen our minds by His word that He may use it to first cut into our hard-hearts and then use us as carriers of His truth into the lives of others. Keep fighting the good fight...!

Shidiro posted a comment on steve.shibley's activity

Shidiro 2017-12-06 17:56

I have had a few seasons of committing to the spiritual discipline of Scripture Memory. What I've found is that it is much like any other worthwhile and meaningful endeavor; the better you get at it the more you enjoy it, thus you're that much more motivated to continue. As far as the verses sticking with me; I'm not able to lift them from my memory without a bit of review, but the lifting is not nearly as difficult as it was initially. Furthermore, it becomes progressively easier to memorize new and longer passages as we continue in the discipline and over the years more and more content is either at the tip of our tongues or at least maybe a jumbled mess that takes a little unscrambling, but all the basic pieces are present.

Shidiro posted a comment on steve.shibley's activity

Shidiro 2017-12-06 12:43

AWESOME bro, keep up the good work...!!!


Shidiro reached 30 verses started

5 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 100,000 points


Shidiro reached 90,000 points


Shidiro reached 80,000 points


Shidiro reached 70,000 points

4 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 20 verses started


Shidiro reached 60,000 points

3 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 50,000 points


Shidiro reached 40,000 points

2 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 30,000 points

1 Dec 2017


Shidiro reached 20,000 points


Shidiro reached 10 verses started


Shidiro reached 10,000 points


Shidiro reached 9,000 points


Shidiro reached 8,000 points


Shidiro reached 6,000 points


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