I wouldn't suggest anyone should start learning whole books. When you first start you should certainly start with something smaller. When you get comfortable and realise that it isn't actually that hard and you understand what learning multiple chapters is going to take, that's when you can go for it. Personally, I'm still building up to something as long as one of the gospels - I chickened out after starting John haha :)
I feel like if I just pick and choose I'll just have to go back later and memorise the bits in between so I may as well learn them in order. Whatever keeps you going though! It's good to see a good handful of consistent learners around now.
I started learning John but pragmatic considerations stopped me. I found that listening to and reciting along with the passage I'm learning helps so I wanted to learn something that would fit on my daily commute. John was a bit long :) James and 1 Peter go one after another and take just the right amount of time. I'll come back to John later.
Ouch that hurts. I try not to think about those consistency achievements since there's always a day here or there where I have no access to the internet because I'm away or something... But that counter on the dashboard is hard to ignore, haha
Nice chapter. I understand you are learning Thessalonians but I was wondering if you would be interested in learning the book of Romans as well? If so there's a group of us you can join. http://learnscripture.net/groups/romans-learns/