This help page, hopefully, will help you to understand better. I will try to help also. What did you choose to learn? All of Matthew 5? A selection from Matthew 5? Have you tested yourself yet on any of the verses in Mt 5?
Using a spreadsheet for a list of passages. Some of them I "memorized" long ago but now have reset. The spreadsheet determines the next review date. I use the hints and a lot of repetition. Hebrews is a wonderful epistle and I'd love to add that one to my spreadsheet .... someday lol.
thank you for sharing that. Recently I've begun using a spreadsheet to "memorize"some specific areas of the Bible. The spreadsheet determines when I will review the passage again. I expect I'll do it almost the same as you, moving on after the passage reaches 100 percent. Some of these verses are passages which I'm memorizing for the 2nd time, having done a big reset several months ago. I pray to be consistent with this, as some others are here.
thank you, your words are encouraging to me. Actually I got the 6 months badge a long time ago, maybe back in 2015, and I've never managed to improve it. May your scripture memorization be blessed by a growing closeness to the Lord.
A hearty congratulations! that's six months. May the Lord bless you for your persistence. I'm currently aiming for Level 6, nine months, and God willing I will be there in about 77 days.