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6 Sep 2017


ICanDoAllThings started learning Psalm 91

ICanDoAllThings 2017-09-06 07:12

I really wish they had this in the New King James Version here. I understand that The King James Version is the closest to the original but still it would be completely helpful if there was a NKJV for us younger folks who prefer this version over that. I've already read and written a lot of the NKJV onto the tablets of my heart and yeah I do love the kjv at times...but...I just have more of a relationship with the newer version. Now it's like I have to relearn and adapt a whole new language... but any who if there's ppl out there please I need someone or people or group who will be a challenge buddy/buddies to me... we can both challenge and motivate each other to go one step further than the other... yeah it be kinda like a completion but it will be for a good cause...it will be for JESUS 🤣😂🤣


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