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30 Mar 2021


TheMoviegoer earned Ace - level 8

Symota 2021-03-30 18:56

Terrific job, congratulations! 👏🏽

TheMoviegoer 2021-03-30 20:38

Wow. I thought I missed it! Thanks, Symota!

MrsSpooner 2021-03-30 22:12


Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-30 22:26

Great Job!

onfire247 2021-03-31 13:43


TheMoviegoer 2021-03-31 14:09

Onfire247, I can’t imagine what you went through to get to level 9. I just don’t have that kind of focus!

onfire247 2021-03-31 15:06

It just depends on the verses really. Doing it with random verses is impossible if you type out all the words. It might be possible with the pick the word option, but I've never messed with that option. If I had it to do over again, I probably would have picked the Beatitudes.

I find that I make silly mistakes. Even after doing Psalm 91 something like 30 times in a row over several hours to get Ace 9, I still made a mistake on the chapter the next day.

Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-31 17:04

Great Job onfire! (I couldn't find your achievment)

TheMoviegoer 2021-04-01 11:25

Onfire247, I have experienced the same thing. I am working on memorizing the whole Gospel of Mark, and theoretically, it should be easier to get this particular achievement because of the narrative flow of story. However, once I get 10 or so verses in without an error, the perfection pressure builds. If I am using the single letter option, I make silly single letter errors. If I am using the whole word option, I start to rush and make mistakes. I was surprised I made it to level 8. The pressure is off for a while. I won’t be 256 verses into Mark for a while yet.

onfire247 2021-04-01 14:33

I tried using the single letter option, and I found that my mistakes increased exponentially. That combined with having lower reminders and less mistakes before it triggers a red fail made me abandon it altogether. Maybe if I had started out that way from the beginning it would be better, but I suspect my muscle memory and typing speed will prevent me from using that option again.

Also there are times when I find it appropriate to refresh the screen. For example, if I accidentally hit the space bar while in the middle of typing the correct word, I may refresh. The same is true if I misspell the correct word and the system doesn't auto correct it. Finally, if the system glitches and jumps ahead, duplicating the word you just typed in the next box which triggers an automatic miss. In my run to 256, the system jumped ahead 4-5 times.

TheMoviegoer 2021-04-02 12:30

Super helpful! Thanks, onfire247!


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