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30 Apr 2022


TheMoviegoer reached 60 verses finished

Symota 2022-04-30 20:38

Nice work!

TheMoviegoer 2022-05-01 01:44

Thanks, Symota! I hope they stick!

onfire247 2022-05-01 02:21


JDJDJD 2022-05-01 20:49


TheMoviegoer 2022-05-02 11:09

Thanks, everyone!

FinalAsgard 2022-05-02 11:34

Awesome! :)

Jappel 2022-05-02 12:40


Symota 2022-05-02 17:57

TheMoviegoer, for some of my verses, I selected "see sooner - 12 months" instead of "Fully learnt" to help with the 'stickiness' (memory retention). Indeed, now those verses are coming due, and I have forgotten the specific wording for some of them, but I'm okay with that.

HomeSchoolMama 2022-05-03 10:17


TheMoviegoer 2022-05-03 11:28

Thanks for the tip, Symota. I have dabbled in selecting the different options on when to see the verse in review, but haven't settled on a certain or specific strategy. I only learned a few days ago that you can make enough mistakes to undo the 100%. That was depressing on two levels. 1. Going back under 100% when it takes a lot to get there. 2. Losing because of typos and not because of real memory struggles. Like you, I am totally fine with struggling with particular wording. It is dealing with my typos and impatience that is a bigger problem.

onfire247 2022-05-03 14:42

That reminds me of an MMO I played when I was younger called Everquest. In Everquest, you lost experience when you died and you could de-level if you were unlucky enough to die right after a level up. Like most MMOs, the higher you got the longer it would take to level up. Unlike most games, there was a glitch that made level 45 take something like 10x the amount of experience of a normal level. Because of this glitch you would end up staying in level 45 for months. Once you got out, however, leveling went back to normal. When I hit level 46 for the first time, I was celebrating like crazy because level 45 took like 9 months to get out of it. When I died shortly afterward, I crossed back into level 45 and the glitch kicked in which magnified the already high death penalty of the game. It took me three months to get back to level 46. I was not amused. I get that same feeling every time I lose progress on a verse in the 90s. I think, "well there goes 6 months of work."

Has anyone else noticed that sometimes the progress on a verse seems to lower itself on its own without displaying the lowering on the screen? Each time I lose progress on a verse it is like a punch in the gut, so I tend to remember them. Lately, though, I've had at least three verses that I do not remember losing progress on that suddenly show up on my daily review list with a drastically lower percentage. I suspect that the system detected too many mistakes on my most recent review but did not indicate it on the screen. I've seen that happen on the other end where it will say in one area that I increased a verse by 1% but the actual overall percentage does not go up.

TheMoviegoer 2022-05-04 12:34

I have not seen that, Online247, but your comparison between progress and leveling up made me smile. I never played Everquest, but I can relate. This is a crazy thing. Obviously, we all are working on memorization for different reasons, and in the end, points, percentages, etc., aren't that important. Additionally, it can feel a little funny to get emotional over stats. Knowing all that doesn't change the fact that completion percentages, points, averages, etc. all help keep me going despite having nothing to do with the purpose of being on this site and working so hard on memorizing.

Online247, I feel your pain. Even though I haven't noticed a declining percentage, that 90 something to 70 something drop is real. I have two verses from chapter 1 of Mark that triggered during test of the entire chapter: "The spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness" and "And Jesus sternly charged him and sent him away at once." Typos got me on both. Every other verse in chapter 1 is at 100 or in the high 90s. So even after starting chapter 1 over a year ago, I will not be at 100 percent for months. The good news is that I have able to recite chapter 1 perfectly for a little over a year.

So, I would say that my frustration is on a slightly less brutal level having achieved a significant degree of confidence in practice away from the site.

Symota 2022-05-04 18:21

TheMoviegoer, quite a while ago I remember reading someone's comment (I can't remember who posted it) about fixing typos by just hitting the refresh button (the clockwise circular arrow at the top of the screen). For me, since I'm using this site for memory work and not for improving my spelling or typing skills, I found that tip quite beneficial and have since been doing that when I make a typing error.
Onfire247, being drastically penalized is not a nice feeling at all, and is one aspect of this site that I don't care for. I haven't noticed, though, that any verses have seemingly lowered themselves without it first being displayed on the screen.

TheMoviegoer 2022-05-04 18:54

Symota, if that works, it will be a game changer. I don't mind going over the whole verse again, having to slow down and repeat things, etc., so I hope this does work out. It will certainly help the process. Thanks for the tip. I will certainly give it a try.

onfire247 2022-05-04 19:03

Yes, refreshing the page will work. You can also pin the "Test instead of Read" check box to the screen for those verses you are reviewing but are not due yet. Then you can just uncheck and recheck to refresh the verse. I will refresh the verse if the typo is not far into the verse, but I'll usually just eat the mistake if it is past six words or so.

TheMoviegoer 2022-05-04 19:13

Total game changer for me. This is brilliant. I knew I could step back out on the first verse, but I never knew that refreshing at the individual verse in the middle of a long section would allow you to reenter. Again, I am just focusing on those times when small errors with short verses will kill your progress.

Onfire247, I don't sweat the minor errors. However, I wouldn't mind retrying the verse if it meant my completion percentage would go into free fall.

Super Big Thanks, Symota, for the tip. And thanks Onfire247. I feel like we are often right there on the same page, so your encouragement is invaluable.

Symota 2022-05-05 16:45

Glad it worked for you, TheMoviegoer!

TheMoviegoer 2022-05-05 16:54

So helpful!


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