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31 May 2015


joosep joined group Leaderboard group for everyone

Robinshe 2015-05-31 08:50

Hi Joosep and welcome to the board!

joosep 2015-06-09 17:57

Thank you for the invitation. This site is indeed a blessing.

Robinshe 2015-06-09 19:58

And I see you´re doing great! Congratulations on holding the top place here for so long! (graetzmi and frogs are providing tough competition!) I personally would never have learned this much by heart without the combination of forced repetition and competitive instincts! I think the point system is really well designed, because people who are relatively new have just the right opportunities to get new rewards a little more often, and can immediately compete strongly against others who have been here for a while. And as last week´s points keep expiring, you also end up continually competing with yourself just to keep up. Glad you like it here!

joosep 2015-06-10 02:15

Thank you for your compliments and encouragement, Robinshe :) The truth of the matter is, a lot of the verses I am memorizing are verses I had previously "memorized" on another website, memverse.com. I say "memorized" because I don't think I learned many of them perfectly enough to perfectly recite them. Anyway, that has a lot to do with how many points I've accumulated. Here at learnscripture.net I also like to group them into four individual verses, so that I can see all of it at the same time :) Thanks Robinshe and have a nice day :)

joosep 2015-06-10 04:03

I have to say, that after making such a point about "four individual verses at a time", that now I've decided to use passage sets instead. I feel a bit annoyed with myself, that I can't make up my mind. But with four verses at at time, I ended up, of course, seeing everything out of order; Galatians 2:14 - 17 after Galatians 2:18-21, for example. So, I'm starting over. Well, it's a work in progress :) And in the meantime I'm really thinking a lot about some particular verses, which perhaps was God's intention for me.


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