amen. I pray, Lord, that You will comfort them and open their eyes at this time, to the glory and love which await us, who believe in You, and that treeswallow's friend is enjoying that now. Bring them comfort in the midst of their great sorrow.
Isaiah 26.3-4 3 “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You. 4 “Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.
Good morning. Seeing that topic, "Encouraging words" made me think of Zechariah 1:13, which says, "The LORD answered the angel who was speaking with me with gracious words, comforting words." (NASB). I realize that I'm taking the verse out of context, but it's so wonderful and something we don't deserve, that the Lord's attitude toward us is one of graciousness, and He wants to speak to us with comforting words -- it depends on whether we are willing to listen. (See Zechariah 1:4 and 7:13). I'm currently studying Zechariah by listening to a series of sermons on it while at the same time adding one verse per day here on this website. It's a very rich book and worth studying. I try to receive it as a child. In other words, if God said it, I believe it. If Zechariah said that he had a vision of a flying scroll, then I believe his testimony, that he meant what he said and he did actually see that. Praise be to God for His graciousness toward us.
thank you for creating this set! I just cycled my way through much of it, except for the verses from John 18-21. Those for me are "new" and I will add them later. But it gave me a lot of comfort to go through those verses.
thank you for creating this set! I just cycled my way through much of it, except for the verses from John 18-21. Those for me are "new" and I will add them later. But it gave me a lot of comfort to go through those verses.
I've created several over the years. But I'm trying to simplify this process. So, I use Ebed-Melech for individual verses and joosep for passages. Ebed-Melech was an Ethiopian who rescued Jeremiah when he had been thrown into a cistern (Jeremiah 38)