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14 Mar 2016


By_Grace_alone started learning 1 Timothy 1

Robinshe 2016-03-14 20:17

Hey! You´re catching up on me fast, and I´m already going as fast as I can! Good job... :-)

By_Grace_alone 2016-03-15 03:37

"Through obstacles in life and through cleared pathways, during trials of suffering and during seasons of prosperity, in physical sickness and in mental wellness, and regardless of whatever else may come... I will catch Robinshe!!!!"

:-) Ha-ha, its "on" now. :-)

Thank you Robinshe for the encouragement! I admit the points are what got me hooked on using this site, but learning God's word is all I care about now. However, for what its worth, I am deeply sorry that I am going to have to pass you by on the Leaderboards...;) :-O :-)

Robinshe 2016-03-15 20:29

The points are really well designed and got me hooked as well (funny how it matters so much not to miss a single day!), although in the highly unlikely event that you should ever pass me, I will of course argue that points are silly and meaningless and don´t matter at all to me :-)

JDJDJD 2016-03-15 23:26

You two have got me laughing. 😂😂😂 May the best man win!

Robinshe 2016-03-19 18:32

Well that was a swift and brutal race. No need to draw things painfully though. I concede (for the time being, you never know when I might come sneaking back)... but now watch out Graetzmi! Here she comes!!

Robinshe 2016-03-19 18:34

I am, by the way, pleased to see that your acute need to pass me resulted in you achieving a new personal all time high for number of verses studied in a day! (I can´t think of any other possible reason for you to study so intensely, so I´m delighted to feel that I am a positive influence in your life). Congratulations on a whopping 148 verses in 24 hours!

By_Grace_alone 2016-03-19 19:48

Bwaaa haaa haa! I am dying laughing over here. Your comments are priceless!

Here's why, last night all of chapter 2 of Romans came up to review, coupled with my ferocious pace through Titus and Timothy recently equaled about 50 or so verses.

This morning I woke up and Romans 11 (another 36 verses) came up for review, along with several other random verses and parts of chapters.

Then I thought to myself , "Geez, Robinshe is totally going to think that I am trying to beat her/him because a lot of verses have come up for review."

NO JOKE, as soon as I finished reviewing all those previously mentioned verses, Romans 8 came up for review (39 verses)!

THEN, I looked at my verses done for the day and said, "Geez, this is going to be a record high too! Robinshe is totally going to think I am trying to beat him/her!" This looks bad.

And then your comments, I love it! Glad to see we think alike.

P.S. My name is Eric, just for reference I am not a she, and its an honor to meet you. Thanks for the laughs.

Robinshe 2016-03-20 05:54

Pleased to meet you. My name is Heather. Sorry about the wrong pronoun. Have a great day!

graetzmi23 2016-03-20 07:47

No chance of overtaking me, sorry Eric. I don't understand how you are getting more points when I am reviewing more verses per day than you. My mistakes due to rushing in the morning must be adding up :S


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