
Sylavash 2017-01-28 19:54

Welcome back, glad you are doing better but I will keep you in my prayers.

diananans 2017-01-28 16:27

Hi all☺ I've been away a long time... Have had 4 heart attacks but am doing better now... I would love to have your prayers ☺ and talk about a backlog, hahaha, unbelievable☺ this is gonna take a while! ☺☺☺

Robinshe — on news item “Kereru joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-27 20:08

Hi there! Didn´t see you join us at first, but welcome! Glad you found us...

Robinshe — on news item “lydsed joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-27 19:28

Welcome :-)

Sylavash 2017-01-25 14:20

I do not feel so bad about my backlog now. I was trying a new verse per day but I think my chapters complicated the situation and making me frustrated. (Along with all the holiday hassles) I am working slower now but going to work my way up to 1 per day. Seeing your guys(girls) progress is a great example for me.

JDJDJD 2017-01-24 23:07

Your experience Peter is (well was) exactly the same as mine. My backlog got so big I stopped adding new ones for about 9 months until it's all become manageable again. I did miss the new verses though. Glad to be back to adding new ones.
Kcr21 I think we were having 2 conversations at once. The other conversation was about the newsfeed disappearing, but it's back now :)

PeterP 2017-01-24 22:14

I only manage to clear the backlog every couple of months. Like Xicama, I'm adding one new verse per day, and averaging about 30-35 verses of revision. So often a chapter has to wait until I have time to revise it all. And my rate of completing verses is well less than one per day, so the backlog is always growing...

kcr21 2017-01-24 21:22

Oh, sorry, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Can someone explain?

Xicama 2017-01-24 19:49

Well, I'm not a fast learner and I add only one verse a day. I need about 30 minutes to repeat an average of 20 verses and add a new one. I took the time today to know for sure 😄. I have a backlog when more than one chapter pops up on the same day.

kcr21 2017-01-23 23:58

It happened to me too! But it's back now for the joy of it!

Robinshe 2017-01-22 21:15

Well done, Sylavash! The last time I was caught up was maybe a few weeks after I first joined Learn Scripture, and since then I´ve always had a growing backlog. But I also made an attempt during Christmas to see if I could reduce my backlog somewhat, and I discovered it is actually possible to make at least some progress. I don´t know how many verses a day I would have to do in order to keep up on a more regular basis, but I know that it´s much more than I can manage! So I just live with a backlog... :-)

Sylavash 2017-01-22 19:48

Yeah its loss does leave a gap. I am happy I finally caught up on all my verses I let go over the holidays. Tomorrow a more manageable number should pop up. I have been wondering how long does it take everyone to do their verses here. I can't find enough time to do much more than thirty in a day.

JDJDJD 2017-01-22 17:29

I'm missing it too. It makes me feel lonely! I hope it's not permanent! Glad to see we can still chat here.

Robinshe 2017-01-22 12:46

I miss seeing how everyone´s doing, who has joined recently, which new things people are learning :-( Not sure why the news section has suddenly disappeared. Hope it gets fixed and that in the meantime we can still chat with one another here...

Robinshe — on news item “BPthesecond joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-09 21:01

And hello to you as well! Nice to see some new faces here, hope you´re enjoying this site so far. There are many of us here who find it to be a real help.

Robinshe — on news item “bix joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-09 20:28

Hi there and nice to see you on this board! Welcome!

Luli2016 — on news item “Luli2016 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-08 20:50

Thank you 😊

Robinshe — on news item “Luli2016 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-08 09:36

Hello and welcome! Glad you found us :-)

kcr21 2017-01-07 23:23

Hello Luli2016! Glad to have you! There's a lot of people here you should get to know!

JDJDJD — on news item “Luli2016 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-01-07 20:57


GSHd 2017-01-01 21:24

Happy New Year! May the Lord's grace and peace be with us all! =D> :-) O:)

Robinshe 2017-01-01 13:32

I live just outside of Oslo :-)

kcr21 2017-01-01 02:35

God bless everyone in this group😅😇🇺🇸🌠🌈

kcr21 2017-01-01 02:34

Happy New Year from California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JDJDJD 2017-01-01 01:45

You on holiday in Oslo, or do you live there. Happy new Year 🎆 to you too. May the Lord bless you richly.

Robinshe 2016-12-31 23:40

Happy New Year to you all from Oslo! May the Lord bless you and your families in the year to come :-)

kcr21 2016-11-18 19:19

I found this website by looking up websites to help me memorize Scripture. I am trying to earn a reward from my mother by memorizing a book of the Bible. I am working in Colossians and have gotten pretty far now. But I work on lots of other different verses for the fun of it.

Robinshe 2016-11-17 20:05

I agree, there are many times I would have fallen away from a daily habit of reading without the combination of scores and friendly encouragement, as well as the convenience of having the app always at hand. What part of the Bible are you studying these days?

kcr21 2016-11-16 21:25

I love this sight. So helpful :-)

Robinshe — on news item “AZIL joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-11-16 20:33

Hi there! Welcome to the board! Glad you found us...

Robinshe 2016-11-16 05:36

Hi kcr21! Glad you found us here - welcome! And congratulations on being halfway to a million!

kcr21 2016-11-15 22:15

Hallo. I am happy to join you all😇

JDJDJD 2016-11-15 21:09


Robinshe 2016-11-15 18:11

Please keep my colleagues in your prayers tomorrow. Significant downsizing. Thx.

Xicama 2016-11-02 09:23

I wholeheartedly agree with all of you!

Sylavash 2016-11-02 05:01

I agree, I have only been here a little while and have found a supportive great community in which to learn, I never would've thought I could study a whole chapter but I am growing lots in my knowledge of God. Thank you all for the support.

JDJDJD 2016-11-02 00:25

It definitely helps me too to have the encouragement and interaction. Certainly I love to know that others are learning scripture right along with me and it's encouraging to see that others too are developing good habits. This app has been such a blessing to me as have all of your fellow "scripture learners". So a big thank you from me too.

GSHd 2016-11-01 20:56

Thank you Robinshe for your dedication inspiring me, us to acquire this wonderful habit of studying the Bible. Yes, we've done it together. For me, I've still a lot to work on consistency, so keep the good work up so I can follow you and the rest of the group.

Robinshe 2016-11-01 18:39

Thank you to all of you guys who are here and continue to inspire me in my reading. I´m pretty confident that if this had been just a plain study app, without the interaction and encouragement from others, I would never have developed the study habit I have today, and having now being here pretty much daily for almost exactly two years, I think I can reasonably now call my daily verse a habit rather than an attempt. This is the first time in my life that I have managed to actually develop this habit, despite many previous attempts, and it is in no small part thanks to you who have chosen to join me on this path. Thanks and God bless!

Robinshe — on news item “amelia97 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-09-03 14:38


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