
Phinehas — on news item “Phinehas joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2021-01-27 21:43


Symota — on news item “Phinehas joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2021-01-27 19:26

Welcome yet again! 👍🏽

JDJDJD 2020-12-24 23:23

Happy Christmas everyone. “Thou shalt call His name JESUS for he shall save his people from their sins.” How blessed we are. 💕

JDJDJD — on news item “onfire247 joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-10-28 19:02

Glad you could join us. Welcome to the group. 🙂

joosep 2020-08-29 04:47

I agree with your use of the word "treasure". I had to take a three-hour bus ride yesterday, and I spent it listening to the Bible in order. I read somewhere that audio Bibles are usually about 75 hours long. So I started at the beginning a few weeks ago and have been listening almost every day, intending to go all the way to the end of Revelation and then start over again.

Anyway, that's how I felt too, that it was a treasure I was listening to, and made the bus ride a very positive experience.

JDJDJD 2020-08-28 21:58

Yes Mrs Spooner there are 4 versions. KJV, NIV, ESV, AND MSG. The first three of those have several voices to choose from. I’m pretty sure you can get a weeks free trial. I certainly used it about 6 months ago then didn’t want to pay so I stopped. But then I was really looking for an app where I could listen to a passage over and over Without having to keep pressing replay, and I knew this one did it. I’d be happy to hear of other apps as I’ve subscribed for a year but it is expensive and I’m sure there must be a cheaper way. But on the other hand, it’s probably a small price to pay to fill our hearts with such treasure. I’ll look into

skywind1 2020-08-28 07:57

Another good place for audio bibles is It has many different Bible versions. It's free but you need to be online to listen if using the website. There is also an app version from which you can (I think-haven't done this) download audio bibles to listen to them offline

MrsSpooner 2020-08-27 23:03

Thanks for the tip JDJDJD, I'd like to try it... on the Dwell app can you choose your preferred version of bible translation?

joosep 2020-08-27 05:01

Thank you for sharing that, JDJDJD. That's a good technique you mentioned in general, to listen to God's Word as you are falling asleep, and also a good method for memorization :) I'll check out the app also.

JDJDJD 2020-08-26 22:32

I’ve been using another app called Dwell to help me learn scripture. What I like is that I can choose a passage to listen to and set it on repeat and it will be read over and over again to me. I go to sleep listening to whatever passage I am currently working on. Sadly it’s not free but I decided to take the plunge and pay for it, and am glad I did. I definitely recommend it to anyone who needs some extra help.

joosep 2020-08-02 04:12

Perhaps A1 is using some other site, such as Memverse. Or perhaps (she or he) is here but decided to use a different username. Hopefully, it's one of those two possibilities :)

JDJDJD 2020-08-01 16:14

Oh wow they just disappeared!! 😱 I hope they are ok.

joosep 2020-08-01 16:13

I have wondered that too.

janet23 2020-08-01 11:35

Anyone know what is happening with A1

JDJDJD 2020-07-30 22:21

That’s a wonderful thing to hear and I can whole heartedly agree. He is faithful!

janet23 2020-07-30 03:21

When I started on this journey of learning the Word , I had no idea how the Lord would use it to sustain me through a tough time and bring me through the other side, trusting less in myself and more in Him!

Symota 2020-07-29 00:21

In response to Janet23’s question, learning God’s Word has helped me to be thinking about God and His Word, and communing with Him more continuously throughout each day. It’s such a blessing to have access to His Word!

janet23 2020-07-28 13:55

How has learning God's word changed you?

janet23 2020-07-10 23:37

What Scriptures are speaking into your life at the moment?

JDJDJD 2020-05-30 22:54

Thanks for that :) Lovely truth!

janet23 2020-05-30 20:29

God is our refuge and strength an very PRESENT help in trouble Psalm 46:1

Symota — on news item “Symota joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-05-14 16:24

Thank you for inviting me.

RoseMarie — on news item “RoseMarie joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-05-14 11:26


JDJDJD — on news item “RoseMarie joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-05-14 08:04

Great to see you joined us. Stay blessed.

JDJDJD — on news item “Symota joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-05-14 08:02

Glad you could join us. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it here.

Worm 2020-05-05 09:02

May I have an invitation to the multimillionaire's club please?

JDJDJD — on news item “Bethia joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-04-25 08:10

It certainly is. I’m so thankful I found it.

Bethia — on news item “Bethia joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-04-24 22:27

Thanks! I hope I can be an encouragement! This website is a great way to encourage me to learn Bible verses!

JDJDJD — on news item “Bethia joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-04-24 20:44

Glad you could join us. Hope we can all encourage each other along the way. 😊

joosep 2020-04-13 01:53

amen. I'm one day late, but He's still risen :)

Robinshe 2020-04-12 20:22

He is risen indeed!!!

JDJDJD 2020-04-12 19:48

The churches may be empty this Easter, but so is His grave! He is Risen! Hallelujah 🎉

JDJDJD 2020-04-12 19:47

After you reach 2 million points, you should automatically get an invitation.

Jeff_Boberts 2020-04-02 00:39

How can I join in this group?

JDJDJD — on news item “ScriptureLearner22 joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-02-17 22:08

So glad you decided to join us. Hope you enjoy the company and friendly completion. Stay blessed.

JDJDJD 2020-02-14 22:25

Glad to hear that Janet23. 👍

janet23 2020-02-14 06:59

God sent the rain and the fires out

joosep 2020-01-11 05:44

amen to your prayer.

janet23 2020-01-11 00:45

I am from Australia. Safe from current fires. but many are not. Praying for rain to extinguish the fires

JDJDJD — on news item “Jezru joined group The MULTI-Millionaire's Club!”: 2020-01-10 23:48

So glad you joined us. I hope the fellowship along the way is helpful to you.

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