9 Apr 2024

28 Feb 2017

19 Oct 2014

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-19 21:02

That's what everyone says. I'm interested in what you call it.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-19 11:06

And for whether or not something is wrong with me.
No, I have numerous intellectual achievements I could list if needed. However whether or not something is wrong with someone should not effect how you treat someone in the first place.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-19 11:02

As any bilingual person will tell you, there can normally be numerous translations. So go any by any bible not in its original language will yield inaccuracies. Making the idea of discriminating against an english bible ridiculous (I'm going to assume you're natively english).
Also, just as I'm interested in doing some more research into your beliefs what type of christian are you?
Not gonna even try and defend catholics as I never liked the saint thing anyway.
Faulting christmas purely because it is catholic, pretty sure that is an ad hominem fallacy against catholics.
Church is the only bit of christmas that only christians do, atheists aren't just hermits who sit around all day wearing fedoras. They do pretty much everything theists do except go to church and pray.
Most christians who go to church on christmas do church weekly as well. Except for those who are disabled who cannot attend weekly will often try and attend church on holidays like christmas.
How would you give a gift to jesus though? I know many people who I communicate with primarily through the internet and not through physical means. I can't give them something physical, so I merely tell them happy birthday and try to be extra nice to them that day.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-19 02:18

I'll just skip over longliveKJBs post as it was lacking in several areas.

Born again christians and catholics both go off of the same book (albeit the catholic one having slightly more books in the old testament). Also catholics have been around over a millennia before born again protestants split off of it, so unsurprisingly pretty much any christian thing from before the last centuries was done by catholics.
The "worshipping God in way he did not perscribe" bit I addressed in my last post, complete with scripture refs.
Some of these things you claim it represents appear to be just innacurate. The ones on worldliness seems vaguely right and I can see where that one came from, and possibly idolatry and covetousness as well since it can be applied to most anything. However the bondage and rebellion ones don't seem to apply so elaborate on how they apply please.
And for your final sentence. I always viewed evil as heing something that hurt someone else normally for personal gain.

(a nice big space to symbolize I'm addressing the next post)

I've heard atheists (just gonna address religions individually as the word pagan is too broad and means different things to different people) say that so I understand that completely. However from my experience they are simply doing the Christian christmas just without the christian elements like church and whatnot. Most wouldn't even know of christmases history :P
I likely will look more into this. However on the searching the scriptures bit I'm the only person here who has referenced scripture directly instead of just saying how they interpret parts of the bible.
This whole idea of dismissing a holiday because the date is wrong just seems ridiculous. When the exact date will likely be forever unknown.

17 Oct 2014

16 Oct 2014

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-16 23:44

The average christian christmas that I know of involve giving of gifts, visiting friends and family, attending a christmas church service, and singing hymns.

Here is some scripture on those respectively. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (verses onwards from there), 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 10:25, and Psalm 150:1-6.

And I did some more research on the history of christmas, it was originally a week long period of lawlessness in rome which ended on december 25th. Then Christians came along and basically changed everything. There are no bible verses which are about having periods of lawlessness (to my knowledge).

It's not a pig that gets dressed up, it is a broken down house that bit by bit is changed and repaired until it is an entirely new house with some resemblances of the old house.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on THE MINECRAFT ADDICTS GROUP!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-16 22:16

What do y'all think of minecraft being bought up microsoft?

14 Oct 2014

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-14 22:31

I personally don't view it as pagan. However as the people in this group view it as pagan I decided just to go with it. Christmas was originally the ancient celebration of the winter (summer if in southern hemisphere) solstice which appears in many old cultures. A certain culture believed this was the day the sun god was born. Christians decided to merge the celebration of Jesus's birth to this day. It is the age old habit which appears numerous times in history, christians taking a non-christian thing and making it christian. Even though Jesus was likely born on a day that wasn't in the december area at all.
Even though it has decidedly pagan roots it's all really down to how you celebrate it.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-14 21:40

Here in britain the december months are in winter. :)

BanthaBoss posted a comment on ../index.html's wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-14 21:38

Just to clarify, by luke I mean the owner of this website.

I think I just qualified for the hacker badge. Not going to post how I did it here as I don't think the site owner would approve.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-14 17:24

Before the age of 18 there is a more than 10% chance someone have depression. Happiness that does not harm you is a good reason and helps keep that number from getting any larger.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on ../index.html's wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-14 17:17

If I hack this website, get a few points, and then tell luke the bug then he can fix it so a malicous hacker won't be able to exploit the vulnerability.
I get badge, he gets better website. It's a win win situation.

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Christmas Haters!'s wall

BanthaBoss 2014-10-14 14:47

Why would you hate Christmas because it is pagan? Christmas is an enjoyable holiday which adds happiness to the cold winter months and is recognized in many countries (meaning that most people get a day off work to celebrate it, making it easier to celebrate) which is another good thing.

But why would you hate a holiday because it is pagan? Many important things in almost all industries were created by pagans. Things that save and increase lives. Are they bad because they are pagan? Of course not.

Also, here are the pros and cons of celebrating christmas

Enjoyment, in the christmas spirit it is hard for your hopes not to be raised when giving and receiving presents, spending good time with family and friends, and pretty much every christmas thing involves getting happy.
Getting out, around christmas there are numerous social events that happen. These involve carolling, christmas dinners, and for those in musical groups getting together to play christmas music. This helps combat depression and other mental illnesses.

Calories, around christmas the eating is intense, this causes a gain in weight.

Pros and cons of not celebrating christmas.

You feel more holy than the next person. This causes a "holier than thou" attitude which clouds judgement.
You get to hate something! Hating stuff is fun as any member of WBC would tell you.

Will lead to sad children. Your kids will question why everyone else is so much happier. This will also lead to what is nicknamed "sandbox hostility".
You don't get any of the christmas spirit.
You're sad because other people are happy in this pagan holiday.

29 Jul 2014

31 May 2014

7 Jan 2014

6 Jan 2014

BanthaBoss posted a comment on artygirl's activity

BanthaBoss 2014-01-06 21:09

Going to go for the hacker badge, over 11000 lines of javascript this site uses.


BanthaBoss joined group YP

26 Dec 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on dweiers13's activity

BanthaBoss 2013-12-26 11:48

It's the ace badges, in around a week your score will drop around 500,000 :P

25 Oct 2013


BanthaBoss joined group The I Love Cheese Burger Group

Ineke 2013-11-05 16:35

havent seen you in a while...?

23 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on bethanthomas's activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-23 12:13

/me gasps

18 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on spookylukey's activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-18 23:01

That's a lot of points :D

16 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on bethanthomas's activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-16 08:50

Well done :D

15 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on their activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-15 11:00

Yeah programmer :P

14 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on their activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-14 17:47

Actually for the past few days I've only done about 5 verses and checked on some stuff :P been busy coding

BanthaBoss posted a comment on their activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-14 09:10

Actually 's becauseof ace badges, soon I'llbe falling out of first though sometime this week becauseof not getting the extra points frombadges.

12 Oct 2013


BanthaBoss reached 900,000 points

Elijah 2013-10-14 08:29

How are you doing soooooo well, how much time do you spend on the app

BanthaBoss 2013-10-14 09:10

Actually 's becauseof ace badges, soon I'llbe falling out of first though sometime this week becauseof not getting the extra points frombadges.

Ineke 2013-10-14 16:41

i doubt youll ever not be first, you are constantly on it!

BanthaBoss 2013-10-14 17:47

Actually for the past few days I've only done about 5 verses and checked on some stuff :P been busy coding

Elijah 2013-10-15 08:19

What do you mean by coding, are you a programmer of something cool like that!

Elijah 2013-10-15 08:20

Oops, i mean a programmer "or" something cool like that

BanthaBoss 2013-10-15 11:00

Yeah programmer :P

11 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Aces and Kings's wall

BanthaBoss 2013-10-11 15:49

Welcome DaisyN!

10 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on Pieman9898's activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-10 18:28

I was just joking :P

9 Oct 2013

BanthaBoss posted a comment on artygirl's activity

BanthaBoss 2013-10-09 09:23

Get higher :I


BanthaBoss reached 800,000 points


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