Acts 2:42 - I would say the people here are doing a reasonable job of devoting ourselves to the apostles´ teachings, to fellowship, and to prayer. Maybe that´s why this website is such a good place to be! (Tricky to break bread together in a virtual community, but I think God is flexible enough to deal with that!) May the Lord our God be with you and bless each one of you today, wherever you are :-)
Hi Danson and congratulations on 100,000 points! Hope you´re enjoying Learn Scripture :-) If you´d like company as you study, feel free to join us on the Leaderboard for Everyone Group...
Congratulations on your first 100.000! May there be many more! If you would like some company on this site, come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board. And keep on going, this is a very rewarding place to be...
Acts 2:28. Not a well known verse, but I like it. This is what Jesus has given us. :-) And that Peter chooses this verse, to speak about joy at a time not terribly long after the death of Jesus, is a powerful testimony to his first-hand knowledge of the resurrection and of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Congratulations! Great work in a short time, and you´re almost at 300 verses started as well! I´m also learning Matthew, although one chapter at a time is about as much as I can handle without the review sessions becoming overwhelming. So far I´ve come as far as Chapter 11. If you´d like company as you study, feel free to join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board :-)
Hi Charissa and congratulations on your first 100,000 points! That went quickly! If you´d like some company as you continue to learn, feel free to join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board :-)
Congratulations! Hope you´re enjoying Learn Scripture... Feel free to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" if you´d like some company as you study :-)
So the brothers of Jesus did in the end come to believe in him! (Acts 1:14). Earlier in his life they didn´t (John 7:5). Or were they still unbelievers after his death, just together with the apostles and their mother? Were they among those who came to faith when Peter made his famous speech in Acts 2? Not entirely clear. But I like the hope that is given by them being mentioned in this way in Acts.
Just finished reading "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". A good read for anyone wanting to know a little more about what it´s like to grow up Muslim and how Islam is different from Christianity. And inspiring to hear the author´s story of how he came to be a Christian.