As I have thought further about memorizing, I have wondered how difficult Psalms would be as a book because of the repetition of phrases that are the same or slightly different. BTW, Joosep, it is never wrong to check!
Joosep, isn't it great! It is a huge encouragement to see brothers and sisters seeking, studying, and memorizing the word... AND hearing their stories!
JDJDJD, I agree. Symota did summarize things very well. One of the great benefits of going through all of this is that it makes meditating on God's word more natural. When I recite, recall, etc., there is a natural tendency to think through God's word more than if I just picked up the Bible and started reading.
Symota, as a kid, my mom would tell me that POWs often recalled how important hymns and memorized verses were to them while in captivity. While I don't necessarily anticipate that particular struggle, I do find that it tends to keep the word of God more regularly in mind-which is a tremendous blessing as we live and serve in the church.
onfire247, I really appreciate the desire to memorize the NT. Sadly, if I spend a year on each book, I might not have the mental capability to remember as well. Still, what a wonderful goal.
Thanks, joosep! knowing him through his word... That is wonderful and encouraging. Plus, I also really appreciate the thought of going before God with our needs and recognizing that all of our needs are met primarily through him.