Heartfelt T-H-A-N-K-S. Honored to be on this journey with you and cherish the time spent studying scripture. Has held me together and focused me all year.
Heartfelt T-H-A-N-K-S. Honored to be on this journey with you and cherish the time spent studying scripture. Has held me together and focused me all year.
not sure if you have ever listened to Esther Mui- She has a YouTube channel and a Website- scripturesongsforworship.com Today she posted a new song.... Matthew 6:31 - 34. Thought of you and your verse set. She uses NKJV which sometimes messes me up because of the subtle words differences. Singing is such a great memory tool for me. I have even woken myself up while singing scripture in my sleep. :)
Hey Susan_likes_Superbook-- that has happened to me on occasion. i have noticed that usually my computer is multitasking- like an update or scan starting in the background- i am not a techie person so maybe there is a better explanation. I just shrug my shoulders and give thanks and just keep swimming.
embarrassed to confess this, but i often forget to PRAY and give thanks for hiding these words in my heart AND bringing them to my mouth. But i rejoice in the journey and let go of the quest for a higher ACE badge. In case I forget to say... I appreciate y'all and love to see your names appear.... till we meet.... soon and very soon.
forgot to add that the index cards go into a card file box which has month sorters- i do not write on them--- WAY TOO MANY of those. Guess I am showing my age. haha. It's the way I was taught. now there is an index card app. or so i am told. i still have a flip phone.
Great comments J/P. I too like the Practice feature. I go old school and print out the passage or Psalms on cardstock. At the top write (in pencil) date tested -- percent learned and when tested again. Then shuffle the papers. I like the paper because I am not attached to the screen. I can take outside or carry it with me. In the beginning I did a lot of individual verses. those are on index cards. eh gads. Those are the hardest for me- it's the number thing!