
Xicama 2016-10-08 13:04

Yes, you're right. And it's one of these challenging verses like Matt 5:48: "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." 😊

Robinshe 2016-10-08 06:25

We are to walk "with humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love..." Just that alone should be enough to make us noticeably different from the world in which we live...

Xicama 2016-10-02 21:06

Okay, since that chapter motivated you all, I read it, too, and I must say it really hit me. So I am going to postpone my last chapter of the sermon of the mount for another month and learn Ephesians 4 together with you.

Gilligan 2016-10-02 16:23

Thought I'd join this month as Ephesians 4 is on my lisr.

Robinshe 2016-10-02 07:52


Sylavash 2016-10-02 05:26

I am liking Ephesians 4, and it is very nice to know someone else is studying the same passages.

Robinshe 2016-10-01 06:39

Was planning on taking a break this month to do some other passages, but having looked at Ephesians 4, I think I´ll stay here :-) (And PeterP, you can always check to see that you still remember what you learned last year! ;-)

Sylavash 2016-09-30 12:28

In all honesty I thought I joined the group last month and did take the full month to learn the chapter. I did find the chapter enjoyable and a bit shocking that I didn't know the order as well as I thought I did. Ephesians 4 does look like a good chapter to know... hmm... We'll see...

PeterP 2016-09-30 06:13

Well done, Sylavash. I find it quite enjoyable, knowing there are others learning the same chapter at the same time. October's chapter is Ephesians 4, but I learned (ha ha, I mean started learning) that last year, so I will do some other things this month. Ephesians 4 is good though - by coincidence it was the passage for our sermon at church last week.

Xicama 2016-09-29 17:49

I do a chapter once in a while. I have other verses and chapters I want to learn, too.

Xicama 2016-09-29 17:45

Yes, you are doing great, Sylavash!

Robinshe 2016-09-29 15:52

Wow, well done, that was fast!

Sylavash 2016-09-29 13:27

I just finished Genesis 1, it was quite a trick. I don't have it perfect but now I understand how better to do a long chapter. Not sure if I will make two months in a row but glad I tried this.

Sylavash 2016-09-24 13:59

I just joined, but I am working on it. Definitely confusing trying to remember the order but glad it was a familiar verses. this was a lot harder than I thought it would be

Xicama 2016-09-24 08:19

Ah yes, exactly so 😄

Robinshe 2016-09-24 08:11

I agree Xicama that it´s trickier than one might think. "And it was good"..."And it was so"..."And it was evening"... and do the beasts of the earth come first or is it the livestock? or the creeping things or everything that has breath?

Xicama 2016-09-24 05:55

Well, I'm not done yet. I thought it would be easier, but I mess up all the verses with the expanse, night, day, darkness and light. I'm now busy with the last day.

Robinshe 2016-09-23 17:11

Also just finished it. I agree it was more familiar, although maybe partly for that reason I didn´t find myself discovering as many new and interesting things as I have when studying other passages. "Male and female he created them" has been quoted by many in connection with same-sex marriage, and it´s always good to be familiar with the context of verses that tend to be quoted in isolation.

PeterP 2016-09-23 13:24

Finished adding Genesis 1 today. I found it easier than Joel, because it is a lot more familiar. How is everyone else finding it?

PeterP 2016-08-24 06:04

Just added v25, seven to go. I agree with, I wouldn't have chosen it, but I'm getting a lot from meditating on it as I go along. The grace of God for us comes through so strongly.

Robinshe 2016-08-23 19:20

How are you doing? Going to make it through Joel 2? Must admit it was´t a passage I would have chosen on my own, but it sort of grew on me as I went along. Powerful image of both an almighty powerful God but also a loving God who seems to want our company and our worship.

PeterP 2016-08-01 05:53

Starting Joel 2 today. It is a powerful passage, but looks a bit more of a challenge to learn, I think. The day of the Lord is coming!

Robinshe 2016-07-26 06:51

I also finished the chapter and found the same surprise in v8. My teenage son was at a church camp when I started the chapter, and I was tempted to take v6 completely out of context and send it to him there!

PeterP 2016-07-26 06:18

I just added the final verse of 1 Thessalonians 5. How's it going for you? I have to say was surprised to find another version of the armour of God in v8 (as well as Ephesians 6). I hadn't realised that was there before. And I like all the short, simple, direct instructions in the second half.

Robinshe 2016-07-14 15:26

And everyone says "Jesus wept" is the shortest verse in the Bible. I like v16! Too much grouching in the world and not enough rejoicing!

PeterP 2016-07-14 06:06

Just added v14, keeping up the one a day routine. v16 is already in my repertoire. Rejoice always!

Robinshe 2016-07-14 05:28

How´s it going? I like the look of all the short verses that are coming up!

Robinshe 2016-06-30 20:22

I have to admit I didn´t make it through last month´s chapter. But fresh start tomorrow, I´ll give it a go!

Xicama 2016-06-30 20:05

I just read the chapter. I like it a lot which makes it easier for me to learn it ;-) Just finished learning a psalm so I will join in.

PeterP 2016-06-30 05:53

July's chapter is 1 Thessalonians 5. I will start learning it tomorrow. Anyone else want to join in?

graetzmi23 2016-05-29 23:25

I remember learning 1 Peter after James and accidentally starting to quote the next verse in James after the quote "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" :)

Robinshe 2016-05-28 13:07

James 4 6-10 is remarkably similar to 1 peter 5 5-8...

Xicama 2016-05-17 17:35

Good job! I have given it a try and still have a couple of verses left.

Robinshe 2016-05-17 16:51

Just finished James 4! How are you guys coming along? The test will be to see if I still remember it by the end of the month :-)

LinuxLefty 2016-05-02 23:15

Awesome! Welcome :)

Robinshe 2016-05-01 16:41

Nice mix of old and new, familiar and less familiar. I´m in!

LinuxLefty 2016-05-01 09:59

May's chapter is James 4

LinuxLefty 2016-04-25 23:14

The chapter for this month is Matthew 6

PR 2016-04-23 17:06

Which chapter is for this month?

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