
Robinshe — on news item “roserunner joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2018-03-03 19:25


Robinshe — on news item “TimOB joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2018-03-03 06:46

Hi TimOB! I didn´t notice it when you joined this board, but just wanted to say welcome! Hope you´re enjoying learnscripture and learning lots :-)

Robinshe — on news item “caramel joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2018-01-27 09:30

Hi caramel and welcome! Glad you found us here :-)

traceyholding 2018-01-15 23:17

On the subject of catching up on reviews, I have from time to time just allocated a Lord's Day where I've spent all my spare time just reviewing. It does the soul no harm and clears the pile periodically.

PeterP 2018-01-14 14:34

It depends whether you choose to review a whole chapter, when maybe just one or two verses are due. I always like to review complete chapters, rather than just sections. That’s why I reluctantly decided to slow down my learning a few months ago, in order to give me some chance of catching up with the reviewing. (And because the stats showed that I’d somehow missed a day in August, so I wouldn’t have got to my 2-year badge anyway :-) ) Let’s see if I can keep on top of it now, adding about 3 per week, and reviewing about 40 per day....

Robinshe 2018-01-14 10:08

I´ve sometimes wondered how many verses on average you have to study per day in order to clear your review list. But Peter, you have for the most part learned one verse a day and averaged about 40 in review, so that gives some indication. Either I´ll have to cut down how much I learn or increase my reviewing substantially... or I can just live happily with a long review list :-)

Robinshe 2018-01-14 09:54

Wow, well done PeterP! I can´t imagine clearing my review list, although every once in a while I see signs of being able to at least reduce it slightly :-) Must be a good feeling to see "No verses due for review"!

PeterP 2018-01-14 08:15

Yay! I have cleared my review list this morning, for the first time in many months!

JDJDJD — on news item “traceyholding joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2018-01-14 00:11

Glad to see you here too Tracey. I see it’s the first group you’ve joined. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the encouragement that a group brings.

JDJDJD 2018-01-14 00:08

Hi Tracey 😊 No I haven’t done Song of Solomon. I remember you learning it some years back. It seems a tough one to me. But I’m glad it was a help to you. It’s one of Jim’s favourites.

traceyholding 2018-01-13 23:16

JDJDJD have you done Song of Solomon? I can definitely recommend it :-) Saved my faith some years back. X

traceyholding — on news item “traceyholding joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2018-01-13 19:53

Thanks :-)

Robinshe — on news item “traceyholding joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2018-01-13 07:42

Hi traceyholding! Welcome :-) Glad you found us!

joosep 2018-01-03 04:16

I also would like to echo what GSHd said about Daniel 7, 8, 10, 12. I haven't added them yet, but I've read them recently, listened to sermons about them, etc. It's a real faith-strengthener to compare the words of Daniel to those of John in Revelation. These two men who lived hundreds of years apart served the very same Almighty God.

JDJDJD 2018-01-02 15:06

Thanks for the suggestion. revelation sounds tempting. I’ve learnt the first 3 chapters so “only” 19 to go. I think I’ll do the next 2 for starters. 😊

joosep 2018-01-02 14:27

I agree with GSHd regarding the entire book of Revelation; it is doable -- many of the chapters are quite short. It will speak to you of the majesty and the justice and the judgment of God -- it will inspire you to both fear and love Him who lives forever and ever.

GSHd 2018-01-01 22:48

I humbly suggest studying chapters from those prophets from OT that prophesy of Christ's Second Coming like Daniel chp. 7,8, 10, 12, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Amos, etc, and then - for those who have not done it yet - the entire book of Revelation (I challenge you! ☺!!!)

JDJDJD 2018-01-01 21:26

I’m looking for inspiration too. I want chapters that will give me a greater appreciation of the Lord. Suggestions very welcome.

joosep 2018-01-01 20:54

I find Daniel 1 - 4 to be a great blessing. Eventually I hope to add more of Daniel.

Robinshe 2018-01-01 11:27

So with a new year starting - what are you thinking of studying in 2018? I got halfway through Acts and then needed a break, so finishing Acts is one possibility for me (I´m also halfway through Matthew and Hebrews), but I think I would like to learn more from the OT, although I´m not sure what to pick. Suggestions from any of you? So far have done Joel 2, Gen 1, Ex 20, a few chapters from Isaiah plus various psalms.

joosep 2017-12-26 09:46

A belated Merry Christmas to all .... and thank you for your prayer Robinshe.

JDJDJD 2017-12-25 22:11

Thanks Robinshe. And to you too :)

GSHd 2017-12-25 19:26

Amen. Merry Christmas to you, too, Robinshe!

Robinshe 2017-12-24 19:29

Merry Christmas my friends. May the Lord bless each one of you and your families, and may you see his hand in your life in the coming year as we together continue to learn to know him and trust him.

Robinshe 2017-12-24 19:26

A surprisingly Christian perspective from Canada´s National Post.

Robinshe — on news item “spookylukey joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-12-22 20:08

Good to have you here. Thanks again for all your maintenance.

joosep 2017-12-10 14:49

I too noticed those changes. As others have said, they are reasonable :)

PeterP 2017-12-10 14:43

So the moral is... make sure you don’t score less than 80% ha ha!
Actually, I just use ‘next’ even if I score very low, because I figure (or hope) that I’ll do better next time it comes round :-)

graetzmi23 2017-12-10 09:45

I noticed that Luke did that the other day. It's fun to follow along with what he's doing behind the scenes. Also, I thought I saw the other day that he reduced the amounts of hints you get for short verses. Again, makes sense.

Robinshe 2017-12-10 09:07

LearnScripture just got harder! It used to be that if you scored under 80% on a verse and had to repeat it, you got points for your second attempt - not anymore! And repeated verses don´t count in your statistics anymore for how many verses you studied in a day. Stricter, but more logical and fair :-)

joosep 2017-11-26 19:07

I took a look at your link. It would have been a good deal, but unfortunately the 9 point font is too small for me ...

Robinshe 2017-11-25 19:05

Not trying to market anything here, but in case anyone is interested, there are some beautifully illustrated ESV Bibles at half price for Black Friday with room for taking notes:

ICanDoAllThings 2017-11-20 18:48

Oh true the link is
Copy and paste. Or you can look me up thisis4jesus is my you tube name you will find Bible and Bible Song. They are songs. Not a boring documentary or discussion 😁

ICanDoAllThings 2017-11-20 18:42

Hey beautiful difference makers 🤗Anybody need help learning the word of GOD I just posted some videos on my YouTube channel. Swing by check it out like, subscribe, Write comments, share. I will definitely respond. Your support would mean the world to me!
Thank you so much 😊God bless you and Jesus and I love you 😘 huggziiess

Robinshe — on news item “steve.shibley joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-11-19 16:36


joosep — on news item “steve.shibley joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-11-19 15:14

Welcome to the group. May God bless your study of His Word!

Robinshe — on news item “celesta joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-11-19 08:25

Hi Celesta, welcome! Hope you find this a good place to be.

joosep — on news item “celesta joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-11-19 05:12

Welcome to the group!

joosep 2017-10-28 03:06

I echo what others have just said, Luke. Having such a website by which to on a daily basis meditate on God's Word has made a huge change in my life. Please know that you are performing a service dear to God's Heart because of how you are blessing His children in this way.

GSHd 2017-10-27 23:48

Thank you Luke for your dedicated work on this site and being such a blessing for all of us. May the Lord bless you so much more!

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