
Robinshe 2016-04-10 18:33

Today was a day of rest, and that´s exactly what I did, and I needed it. Not a bad thing that God initiated, insisting on one day a week to rest. Good decision.

Robinshe — on news item “Xicama joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-04-10 16:02

Yeah, it´s well designed. I´ve never managed to stick to reading a little bit of the Bible every day until I found this place. And I find that memorizing slows me down from just reading through something and helps me to discover new things. Do you have any idea of what part of the Bible you want to learn first?

Xicama — on news item “Xicama joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-04-10 12:52

Thank you for the invitation, Robinshe. I tried learning bible verses before, but had no sufficient plan and / or misplaced my cards :-( . I really like this site.

Robinshe — on news item “Xicama joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-04-10 09:45


Robinshe 2016-04-04 18:25

ok, we´ll see if we can inspire any more to join us! JDJDJD - Good tip! I learned Hebrews 11 a long time ago, before I started going through the rest of the book. It does stand out!

graetzmi23 2016-04-04 12:15

I'm pretty sure Lycanis is still going along with Romans, Robinshe. Looks like the only person left in the "Learn Romans" group still doing it.

JDJDJD 2016-04-03 21:27

Hebrews 11 is a wonderful chapter to learn. I was really inspired by it. I haven't learnt all of Hebrews (yet) just selected chapters. Hope you can get that one done sometime.

Robinshe 2016-04-03 07:48

Anyone learning Romans these days? I´m giving up (at least, taking a break) from Hebrews, which I am finding to be fairly heavy going. After 9 chapters I´m ready for something that´s not about high priests, even though it´s been interesting to read about how Jesus came to bring a new and perfect covenant to replace the first old testament covenant. I´m not sure I´ll go all the way through Romans without stopping, but I think this will be my project for the next little while.

LinuxLefty 2016-03-27 09:37

He has risen indeed!!!!!

Robinshe 2016-03-27 06:38

Christ is risen!!!!!

JDJDJD — on news item “josh joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-03-25 08:14


Robinshe — on news item “josh joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-03-25 05:31


Robinshe 2016-03-21 06:58

I notice that the verses that are easiest to learn are the ones I already know from music - often camp songs I learned as a kid, or choral music. I don´t know whether any of you have younger kids (must be some of you here?), but if you´re looking for songs they might like to listen to in the car or before bed that have catchy tunes where the lyrics are just scripture quotations and nothing else, check out Seeds Family Worship on Spotify. Maybe they will remember these verses years from now? (The only downside is they´re not ESV!)

Robinshe — on news item “laurie02 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-03-20 08:47


Janet — on news item “Janet joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-03-14 14:31

Thanks for the invite!

JDJDJD — on news item “Janet joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-03-13 23:46


Robinshe — on news item “Janet joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-03-13 18:48


joosep 2016-03-05 16:31

thanks to JDJDJD and to AnnetteCN and to all of you. It's really encouraging :) I agree with you, AnnetteCN, memverse could benefit from users being able to more easily interact.

AnnetteCN 2016-03-05 00:05

Joosep, sad to see you go. You are a great encourager - Memverse should add a feature for allowing interaction with one another! But I understand how hard it must have been for you to learn another version when a previous one was so deeply ingrained. I learned the book of James many years ago in NASB, so when I added James 1 here, I had great difficulty relearning it in ESV! I still have trouble practising it in the ESV and am now hesitant to add the other chapters. Well, thanks for all your encouragement on this site. All the best and God's blessings to you in your journey. :)

JDJDJD 2016-03-04 23:14

Oh I will miss you and your encouragement.😢 I understand completely what your saying though and in the same position I'd probably do the same. The version I was brought up with is here so I don't have that problem. I'm glad you've got another site to go to. Praying you are as blessed there as I am here. Learning Scripture has been such a blessing to me. I so wish I had started learning in earnest earlier in my life when my memory was more retentive. But I do so enjoy now those quiet moments when I just have minute and I can bring to mind a scripture and meditate and gain strength for the situation. It's also comforting to see the truths in the Bible for myself rather than just getting it second hand. Every blessing to you Joosep.

joosep 2016-03-04 09:29

Hi Robinshe! Thanks to you too for the kind words and especially the offer of prayer support. I've enjoyed a lot talking to you. I've got to run out now and do an errand ... perhaps I will write more later. --Joosep

joosep 2016-03-04 09:27

Hello By Grace Alone,

Thanks for the kind words :)

I'm open to using different translations. It's just that the NASB is really written on my mind, having spent so much time reading it and in some cases memorizing. I didn't really start memorizing in earnest until I joined memverse in December 2014. Then I joined this site in May 2015 and tried to use both for a while, but found it difficult to maintain both sites. So I had been using this one exclusively for the past several months ...

I haven't ever tried to find a church that exclusively used the NASB. I didn't consider that to be a priority. In finding a church, my priority is to find one that teaches God's Word without compromise and honors Jesus Christ as Lord and God.

I guess I just want to aim more for accuracy in my memorization and I'm just not enough of a genius to memorize something (for example, ESV) when a varying version of the same thing (NASB) is already in my mind, nearly memorized.

Once again, thanks for the kind words. God's blessings to you as you pursue your studies!

By_Grace_alone 2016-03-03 20:08

Sorry to see you go buddy. It makes complete sense if 40+ years of your life have been dedicated to one version of the Bible and its not on here. Was it easy to find a church that uses that translation??? I actually have not come across a church around my local area that uses the NASB, so I wonder about overseas as you are, considering it is called the North American Standard Bible.

I mostly use an ESV bible and sometimes the scripture to memorize on here (same version) is different than what is written in my bible. I don't sweat this though because I read several different versions of the Bible because of my studies. We should really just learn Hebrew and Greek and be done with all these different translations right? Ha-ha.

Regardless my brother, Grace to you and Peace from God our father and our Lord Jesus Christ on your journey through life.

and, I'll ask God to help me identify the guy who identified himself as "Joosep" when I get to heaven...

Until then...

Robinshe 2016-03-03 20:03

Joosep!!! We will miss you here! I´m glad it was a difficult decision - you´ll have to check in from time to time and say hello. But I´m glad you´ve found a place where you can continue to study in the version you are most familiar with. I have been finding Hebrews dense stuff compared to John (quiz me on Melchizadech, bet I can answer), and have been finding it hard to make progress recently, but in discussion with some other friends the other night I really saw how much I have learned with the help of a site like this. When others said "I think it says somewhere something like...", I knew what it was and (mostly) where it was. I understand also how much help this can be in preparing for a Bible Study, am using this to some extent in the same way preparing Sunday school. May God bless you and your wife and those in the Bible study that you lead. Let us know anytime if you would like us to pray for anything special. Thanks for your active participation and welcoming attitude on this site. All the best, Joosep, we will meet again :-). And when we do I will have more points here than you :-)

joosep 2016-03-03 08:52

Well, I am sorry to tell you all, I've decided not to use this website any longer. It's an excellent website, there is no problem with that. It's more a question of needing to use the Bible version that I've used ever since I became a Christian a long time ago. Please note, I'm not saying that that version is better / not better than the versions available on this site. It's more that I spent more than 40 years reading and meditating on and memorizing Bible verses in a version that's unfortunately not available at this site. Many of those verses are deeply imprinted in my mind, and I find that when those little boxes "go away", what my mind goes back to automatically, is the New American Standard version, a version unfortunately not available here.

I decided this morning (it was a difficult decision) that rather than put a lot of effort into re-writing those verses in my mind, it would make a lot more sense to just use the version I've been used to for the past 40 plus years for memorization.

I want to say a second time, I am most certainly not saying that the NAS is superior to any other version. It's simply the version given to me by my fellow believers when I came to know Jesus Christ. I respect completely the choice of other believers to use different versions, as long as that version respects the original languages.

Sorry for my long-winded posts ....

I did also mention before that I like very much memverse's passage review feature. I like being able to see the entire context of the verses being memorized, during the entire process of reviewing them.

But I'm also very grateful for this website and for the people here who have been kind to me, and most of all for Luke's thankless and diligent hard work in maintaining and creating this website for all of us :)


Robinshe — on news item “Chris54 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-28 17:02

Welcome :-)

joosep 2016-02-27 02:42

Since this is a site with a lot of supportive online friends, I'll add a bit to what I posted back on 11 February ...

I've been using both Learnscripture and Memverse. I find both to be a great blessing, but in different ways, as they have different approaches to learning Scripture.

My wife and I have also begun teaching a Bible study which will last twelve weeks all total. This week we will take a look at the Samaritan woman in John Chapter 4. Any and all prayers are appreciated :)

I find this website, , to be very, very helpful in preparing to teach a Bible study. I add the verses a week or so before the study takes place, and then they are in my queue every single day, and so I've meditated on them a lot by the time I actually teach that passage.

I wish to you all God's blessings in knowing Him and finding grace and peace in Him. Thanks for reading and all for now ...

Robinshe — on news item “albertlok joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-24 06:55


Lycanis — on news item “Lycanis joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-11 22:23


joosep 2016-02-11 04:13

Well, I just want to share this so that no one "worries" about me. I've been thinking a lot lately about slowing down and focusing more on accuracy with those verses that I've already added. As noted by other people here, when those small boxes go away, accuracy decreases a lot (at least in my own case).

Also at Memverse there is a feature called Passage Review, where you can be tested on your verses and yet see the entire passage at the same time. I (personally) really like this feature. It enables me to, during the entire test, think about the entire passage, as opposed to one verse at a time (but of course this excellent site does show the last line of the previous verse).

So, all that to say, I've been spending time at both sites lately. I don't write this to recommend one site above the other, only to share with "online friends" what I'm doing, so they will not fear that I've burnt out, or something like that. I'll still be here and hope that once I've caught up with my learnscripture verses, I'll start adding verses here again, perhaps one per day.

To everyone, God's peace and blessings and presence be with you.

joosep — on news item “Lycanis joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-11 04:07

Welcome Lycanis!

Lycanis — on news item “Lycanis joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-03 19:23

Hello! Thanks!

Robinshe — on news item “Lycanis joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-03 05:03

Hi Lycanis! Welcome to the board!

joosep 2016-02-02 05:46

Good one, Notofthisworld! :)

Notofthisworld 2016-02-02 04:04

Here is another short person in the bible joosep: Bildad the shoe-height. (Bildad the Shuhite, jobs friend...)

jcosimi — on news item “jcosimi joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-02-01 22:39

Thank you

joosep 2016-02-01 18:51

Knee High Miah was one of the shortest men in the Bible .....

Robinshe 2016-02-01 18:49

Ha! My comment was in no way directed at your reference to Philipians and joy - I was just laughing with the author of Hebrews about the difficulty of knowing exactly where to find things. And if you´d asked me where in the Bible to find "the joy of the Lord is my strength", I´m afraid I wouldn´t have been able to say Nehamiah (without googling). But now I know - thanks!

rhuddle 2016-02-01 11:42

Robinshe, you are surely in good company, but on this one, at least I know that "for the joy of the Lord is your strength" is from Nehemiah (actually I had to look it up as I get Ezra and Nehemiah switched sometimes), but Philippians being the book that is most about joy and rejoicing in the Lord in the new testament, I would say it is a good book to know for the joy of the Lord being our strength. Cheers!

joosep — on news item “jcosimi joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2016-01-31 09:39

yes, welcome back! I think you were in this group once before :) Good to have you again.

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