Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement and affirmation! When I first joined the website I never thought I would get this far and I thank the Lord for His sustaining grace as well as every one of you for your example and fellowship. I can honestly say that I very much doubt I have memorised all those 800 verses. However, it is my desire and aim to consolidate the memorisation of these verses properly, and that is why I have selected "review sooner" rather than "fully learned" so don't be surprised if the score reappears on newsfeed 🙈😊
Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement and affirmation! When I first joined the website I never thought I would get this far and I thank the Lord for His sustaining grace as well as every one of you for your example and fellowship. I can honestly say that I very much doubt I have memorised all those 800 verses. However, it is my desire and aim to consolidate the memorisation of these verses properly, and that is why I have selected "review sooner" rather than "fully learned" so don't be surprised if the score reappears on newsfeed 🙈😊
Your transparency is commendable, Luli2016 :) It's a good example to set. I would say the same, that those verses of mine which have reached "Fully Learnt" are for the most part, not learnt to the point of recitation on command :) But yet the journey of mastering them is wonderful.
AMEN... my own constant prayer is for the Holy Spirit to help me pull scripture when needed. And He did today in church when the Pastor asked for folks to turn to ... and while i was flipping pages my mouth just started reciting. must confess, it startled me. haha.... BUT GOD..... is so good.... so faithful.... so amazing. Need HIM every hour.
Thank you so much everyone for your helpful suggestions and advice, especially Saintman and onfire247. I believe that the decrease in percentage is also partly my fault, for example I chose to learn favourite passages from the gospel of John and then decided to learn the whole of John’s account, so no wonder my mental capacity to memorise is weaker with passages added haphazardly. I totally agree with your comments about the real purpose of learning the scripture. I personally embarked on this journey primarily so that I may grow closer to Him, to know Him better; to find His company not only sweeter than anything this world has to offer but also value Him as indispensable in all aspects of life. Since ‘outlook determines outcome’ I hope and pray that I would be able to recall God’s Word in times of need, or whenever my mind gets clouded over by trouble, trial, pain, and disappointments, when witnessing and when unable to access it otherwise. I want to be able to triumph in the midst of trouble and wholeheartedly say: I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. (Phil. 4:13) I desire to be able to have the faith that holds on in the midst of each trial calmly saying: be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) When disappointment shatters my faith as disappointment does, I want to be able to overcome the pain and fully grasp the true meaning of this teaching : -for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therein to be content. (Phil. 4:11) These are some of my thoughts… Of course, I don’t suppose I have figured it all out, but as I take one day at a time I endeavour to give Him the glory in all things. Blessings to you all.
Thank you Symota ☺️! Going at a rather slow pace, especially in terms of memorisation 😒- with percentages dropping frequently on some verses I am trying to review regularly not to let the learning queue get out of control but I can wholeheartedly say it has been a time well-spent.
Thank you to each and every one of you for your affirmations. Your encouragement and example has been a real blessing throughout this faith-strengthening journey.
Thank you to each and every one of you for your affirmations. Your encouragement and example has been a real blessing throughout this faith-strengthening journey.
Thank you Symota ☺️! Going at a rather slow pace, especially in terms of memorisation 😒- with percentages dropping frequently on some verses I am trying to review regularly not to let the learning queue get out of control but I can wholeheartedly say it has been a time well-spent.
That's the funny thing about endeavoring something like this. At the end, you are only left with the results. All the pain that it took to get there i forgotten when you see the end results. The hard part is not the pain it takes to do something, but the belief that you can overcome the pain to do the challenge standing in front of you. No one ever reaches the top of Mt. Everest and talks about the pain it took to get there. The pain all gets forgotten in the light of that beautiful horizon. Yes, it is painful to memorize the Bible, but it is all forgotten the first time you can name the verse of a quoted passage or minister to someone's need from your knowledge of Scripture.
As I was writing this, I kind of had an epiphany about pain; pain only exists in the present. There is no pain in future, because obviously you can't feel something that hasn't happened yet. And the pain of the past is over, so you won't experience it again. So no matter what pain you are facing today, tomorrow it will be over because that will be new pain at that point. The above is not meant to minimize the emotional weight of pain felt in the past. Indeed, some may instantly argue that pain exists in the past as well. Without a doubt, we all carry the scars of the past that are difficult to let go.
Indeed, I myself have had some terrible, terrible experiences in my life, and some have taken longer than others to get over. (And some of them that you thought you were over reappear in your 30s and 40s, so that's fun.) But I've found that as I get older the pain of the past just sort of gets forgotten over time unless I hold onto it. Its like the good memories all start to float to the top. To be sure, I can hold onto the pain of the past if I want to, but why would I want to? There's plenty enough pain in the present for me, thank you very much ("sufficient for the day is its own trouble... (Matt 6:34). I'll let the past be in the past, and hopefully it will stay there.
Congrats Luli! 😁 Regarding the percentages dropping, I would suggest to try resetting verses rather than following the program. Initially I followed the website program intervals. After 3 months or more passed without review, my accuracy was worse than the previous attempt and my percentage would drop as you mentioned. Leaving it at 3 months would result in further dropping and I knew I was losing grip on that verse. So I had to reset my progress often, because the review periods became too long to be effective.
Rather than know a lot of verses with an accuracy of 90%, I decided I wanted to know a smaller number of verses at 100%. (actually better than 100%) So I chose 100 key verses to learn very well so I can quote them at any time. Once I mastered those, I expanded it to 300+
Some of my favorite passages I may have reset 50 times or more, so the progress% means nothing to me, but I have them burned in my memory, which was my goal.
If your goal is to have the most number of verses completed on the computer system, then resetting verses will not help, but I would suggest that such a goal is probably not very useful for the real world.
Like when you are sharing your faith with someone? How many relevant verses can you quote on the fly? Or let's say hypothetically one day we are imprisoned for our faith and have no Bible. How many verses will we be able to recite to keep our spirits uplifted? The question for us on this website is: How well do need to know a Bible verse to be able to recall it under any circumstance? Is a score of 100% even enough?
AMEN... and thanks for your comments about deep meaningful learning. I have been thinking A LOT about your last section of questions which has impacted where i am focusing. I will add another concern ---- electricity and internet access. Some countries are now experiencing rolling blackouts and predicted for more areas this winter. I have printed out my Verse Set lists on cardstock and constantly make notes--- and printed many sections i am working on as well.- I do have a collection of 'old-school" index cards that i carry with me.-- plus audio recordings on my ipod nano--- Keeping my heart and eyes focused gives me great JOY... and peace. Sure it would be nice to hit that 2 year milestone--- but eternity is L-O-N-G.... smiling just thinking about finally meeting ya'll and praising together!
Yes, it would be nice to meet you all someday! I hope my spiel wasn't too pessimistic, but I think that in the years to come, almost every Christian will wish they had done more Bible memorization. Uplifting verses are especially valuable, because these are what will keep us going through dark times. 😊
Thank you so much everyone for your helpful suggestions and advice, especially Saintman and onfire247. I believe that the decrease in percentage is also partly my fault, for example I chose to learn favourite passages from the gospel of John and then decided to learn the whole of John’s account, so no wonder my mental capacity to memorise is weaker with passages added haphazardly. I totally agree with your comments about the real purpose of learning the scripture. I personally embarked on this journey primarily so that I may grow closer to Him, to know Him better; to find His company not only sweeter than anything this world has to offer but also value Him as indispensable in all aspects of life. Since ‘outlook determines outcome’ I hope and pray that I would be able to recall God’s Word in times of need, or whenever my mind gets clouded over by trouble, trial, pain, and disappointments, when witnessing and when unable to access it otherwise. I want to be able to triumph in the midst of trouble and wholeheartedly say: I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. (Phil. 4:13) I desire to be able to have the faith that holds on in the midst of each trial calmly saying: be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) When disappointment shatters my faith as disappointment does, I want to be able to overcome the pain and fully grasp the true meaning of this teaching : -for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therein to be content. (Phil. 4:11) These are some of my thoughts… Of course, I don’t suppose I have figured it all out, but as I take one day at a time I endeavour to give Him the glory in all things. Blessings to you all.
Thanks so much Luli, and Saintman and Onfire247. So inspiring, each one of you in different ways. I’m certainly a long way behind you all just now in making any meaningful progress, but it’s great to be in such good company as we journey together. And totally agreeing with you mrsmoo, it will be great to meet everyone and praise Him together.
The value of this website to me has been in making the process of memorization more fun and easy, which means I will do more than I otherwise would have. It's especially helpful for the early/mid phase of learning when you need more help and prompting, but also for revising verses in an organized way. Luli, I want to encourage you in your goal of memorizing the gospel of John. 👏 Knowing entire books of the Bible is extremely valuable, and I'm sure that will strengthen your faith and that you will be able to help others in their faith too! 😁
I also find passages more edifying than learning single verses, especially when you have a massive review list. Also good to have the context. I am up to John 6. What has struck me so far is the people who encountered Jesus both individuals and groups ♥️
Congratulations on your new achievement! Your commitment is such a wonderful testimony and a great encouragement to us all! May the Lord richly bless you as you seek to serve Him daily! (Ruth2:12)- The Lord recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.
To onfire247, that's exactly what happens . What I called seesaw effect is dependent on that review performance. Understandably, verses like John 3:16 or John 10:10 are less likely to be endanger the overall percentage but when reviewing whole chapters is a little more risky. I hope I have provided somewhat a clear explanation.
Thank you joosep for your encouraging and commendable wishes. The main focus remains to meditate and grow in the knowledge and appreciation of God's Word continually. I don't anyone thinking I'm a genius as such nor get confused whenever a certain figure appears on the news feed repeatedly.
I would like to thank everyone for your kind wishes! While the 700 verses memorised may seem like a great achievement, it’s not so when compared with the ‘to-do-list’ on the learning list. On the other hand, I have selected ‘review sooner’ for most of the verses rather than ‘fully learnt’ in order to consolidate mental retention, hopefully 🙈! As a result, I won’t be surprised if the 700 goes on a see-saw adventure. Thank you once again!
I would like to thank everyone for your kind wishes! While the 700 verses memorised may seem like a great achievement, it’s not so when compared with the ‘to-do-list’ on the learning list. On the other hand, I have selected ‘review sooner’ for most of the verses rather than ‘fully learnt’ in order to consolidate mental retention, hopefully 🙈! As a result, I won’t be surprised if the 700 goes on a see-saw adventure. Thank you once again!
I just wanted to say, that a few years ago I too had that "see saw" situation. I had reached 300 verses fully learnt, but kept reviewing the ones fully learnt. There were maybe 5 or 6 times when I came up on the news feed that I had reached the number 300, and each time several people congratulated me. That was very kind of them, of course.
Then I decided to reset everything and start again ... something I wish now I had not done. (But all this reflects my own personal thinking, and is NOT intended to tell or not tell anyone what to do in their own case)
Fast forward to the present, my own intention now is to leave everything Fully Learnt as Fully Learnt, and to not review them anymore, so that I can bit by bit move on to other areas of the Bible which I want to incorporate here.
But I also think I totally understand you, (to Luli2016), in that you dearly want to keep those fully learnt as truly being just that, fully learnt!
So we will all rejoice with you in your see-saw adventure. As long as you are day by day growing in your knowledge and love of Him, it is all for the good! Praise God, He is so good, and I feel His kindness and goodness toward us all as I write this. Amen.
So I have a question. When you finish your verse, you get a popup asking you to stop seeing it or see it again in a year, right? How does the seesaw occur then? Are you guys saying that if you choose the one year option, it does not count the verse as finished? Perhaps I am unclear on what buttons you see when you finish a verse, and what the consequences are for hitting said buttons.
To Onfire, it's not a popup, it's one of three buttons on the lower right: Practice, See in 12 months, or Fully Learnt. If you press See in 12 months the verse could then when you review it regress and then becomes unlearnt, and thus, the "seesaw".
In addition, if a person clicks "Test instead of read" then that "Fully Learnt" verse will be presented to you again for review, perhaps long before the 12 months are up. That's also how verses could become "unlearnt".
Thank you joosep for your encouraging and commendable wishes. The main focus remains to meditate and grow in the knowledge and appreciation of God's Word continually. I don't anyone thinking I'm a genius as such nor get confused whenever a certain figure appears on the news feed repeatedly.
So if I'm understanding correctly, if you select the see again in 12 months option, and then twelve months later get below the 85% threshold, you will lose your fully learned status? But if you get it above the 85% after a year, it stays learned? And the same is true of the test again? In other words, the only danger of seesaw is if you fail the next test under either method?
It isn't always 12 months later. If you review the whole passage and then click "Test instead of read", then you will be tested on that fully learnt verse -- perhaps much earlier than that 12 months. If your score is low enough, you'll be penalized, and it won't be fully learnt anymore. I'm not aware of 85% being the key percentage -- it's the first I've heard of that.
Part of the issue here is that (I at least) don't always evaluate everything going on in terms of percentages, what threshhold is necessary to keep something fully learnt etc., every time I test a fully learnt verse. Actually, as I said, I don't test on fully learnt verses anymore -- I simply review what is due. My own "see saw" experience took place about three years ago. I reached 300. Some fully learnt verses came due, I tested on them, failed, but then some others at 95-99% came up for review, I tested, got a good score, and then went back up above 300 again. That happened several times because I had many verses spread out over a period of about 3 years.
I hope that helps somewhat. It'll be much clearer to you once you experience it. You signed up on 20 August, so sometime this fall all this will become much clearer to you :) I don't pretend to be any expert -- but as I said, now I just leave them fully learnt, because I want to move on to other parts of the Bible.
To onfire247, that's exactly what happens . What I called seesaw effect is dependent on that review performance. Understandably, verses like John 3:16 or John 10:10 are less likely to be endanger the overall percentage but when reviewing whole chapters is a little more risky. I hope I have provided somewhat a clear explanation.
Thanks for the clarification guys. I haven't decided what I'm going to do with my verses yet. Some of them I am ready to stop seeing ha! I think my closest is at 95% with an interval of 5 months. I think I'm a month or two into it, so I guess I don't have to decide anytime soon. Regarding the 85% threshold, that is the lowest percentage I have been able to get without it triggering a practice or loss of progress. I'm not sure if that is the actual threshold, however, just what I've observed.
Onfire, for a fully-learnt verse, when you review it, the accuracy threshold required to keep it fully-learnt is about 90%. Anything lower than that will make it ‘unlearnt’ again. When you review any verse, the threshold for deciding progress - up or down - is relative to the current % learnt for that verse, I believe.
Hi joosep, I totally understand the complexities, that result from the process of forgiveness. - Another quote: “We cannot change what we have experienced, but we can choose how the experiences change us. My trust gets built when I see God’s work with my human eyes. But what builds my faith is when I can’t see or understand what He does. Instead, I choose to place my trust in who He is and declare Him good in the midst of the unknowns.” I have to confess that it hasn’t been an easy journey, but I’m grateful to the Lord for the grace given to be obedient to Him. Thank you for your kind words, though undeserving. May you be strengthened in Him and by Him, who is able and willing, and for His glory. Praying for you both, God bless.
Thank you joosep for your encouraging words. I have been struggling myself for a while with forgiveness, so I’m hoping this verse set will be useful and helpful in prompting me to obey God’s Word and create a ‘clean and tender’ heart in me. “Deep pain is excellent at revealing a truer truth than our soul even dares to admit. (Forgiving what you can’t forget - By Lisa Terkeurst) “ I have realised that I’m keeping myself hostage with the pain of past offences and I would like to be able to release myself from the imprisonment of these emotions (hurt, anger, bitterness, betrayal, fear ...) which have weakened my “will” to love and ability to trust others. I realise that I have the potential to hurt other people as much as I have been hurt and harmed by them, intentionally or unaware, and that’s why I feel responsible to equip myself with all the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word on forgiveness so that I will not be a stumbling block to anyone, even more so to my fellow-believers. In the words of Elisabeth Elliot, I would like to be able to: “ Ask for grace to treat that person as if nothing had ever happened” and strive for it until I have obtained that grace.
Hello Luli2016 :) Thank you for creating this set. I can tell you honestly, that already Proverbs 17:9 spoke to me quite specifically about a rather difficult situation which exists in my life at this moment. So thank you for your obedience to Him! Isaiah 55:11 (NASV) applies here:
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Thank you joosep for your encouraging words. I have been struggling myself for a while with forgiveness, so I’m hoping this verse set will be useful and helpful in prompting me to obey God’s Word and create a ‘clean and tender’ heart in me. “Deep pain is excellent at revealing a truer truth than our soul even dares to admit. (Forgiving what you can’t forget - By Lisa Terkeurst) “ I have realised that I’m keeping myself hostage with the pain of past offences and I would like to be able to release myself from the imprisonment of these emotions (hurt, anger, bitterness, betrayal, fear ...) which have weakened my “will” to love and ability to trust others. I realise that I have the potential to hurt other people as much as I have been hurt and harmed by them, intentionally or unaware, and that’s why I feel responsible to equip myself with all the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word on forgiveness so that I will not be a stumbling block to anyone, even more so to my fellow-believers. In the words of Elisabeth Elliot, I would like to be able to: “ Ask for grace to treat that person as if nothing had ever happened” and strive for it until I have obtained that grace.
For some reason it gave me Proverbs 10:12 as the next one. Not sure why, maybe because the Lord knew that I needed it LOL :) I'm slowly working on John 7 and very much looking forward to the day when I can work on John 8!
Luli2016, I came upon this by chance, and shared some of those quotes with my wife, the ones above from the books you've read. We (my wife and I are both dealing with the issue of forgiveness at the moment, concerning someone who has hurt us, whom we need to forgive ... anyway, I hope this is encouraging to you, that what you shared is bearing / will bear fruit.
Hi joosep, I totally understand the complexities, that result from the process of forgiveness. - Another quote: “We cannot change what we have experienced, but we can choose how the experiences change us. My trust gets built when I see God’s work with my human eyes. But what builds my faith is when I can’t see or understand what He does. Instead, I choose to place my trust in who He is and declare Him good in the midst of the unknowns.” I have to confess that it hasn’t been an easy journey, but I’m grateful to the Lord for the grace given to be obedient to Him. Thank you for your kind words, though undeserving. May you be strengthened in Him and by Him, who is able and willing, and for His glory. Praying for you both, God bless.
I’m still managing to add a new verse but not so successful at keeping the review list small 😉! Not that I’m not enjoying it! I’m getting a little frustrated with myself for not memorising the verses with the same pace but it’s a learning journey!