Yeah I was using yours until they ran out. Thought I'd keep your formatting consistent. It's helpful for really long chapters. I think I'll just replace them after I finish the chapter so I can minimise the number of passage sets I'm learning.
Yeah I was using yours until they ran out. Thought I'd keep your formatting consistent. It's helpful for really long chapters. I think I'll just replace them after I finish the chapter so I can minimise the number of passage sets I'm learning.
Interesting, JDJDJD. I have tried to learn a bit of everyone so far: some of Paul (Romans, Colossians), James, Peter (1 Peter) and now doing John (1 John). I have found James to be the easiest, followed by Paul, followed by Peter followed by John. John has a very unique vocabulary whereas I found Paul and Peter to be quite similar.
I know the feeling, Robinshe, although probably not quite as bad as with some of those really long chapters in the gospels. Do tell us when you're finished learning!
Although not a book I would recommend the sermons of Martyn Llyod-Jones available here: I believe his books in his series on Romans is basically these sermons edited.
Congratulations! You should be mastering a few verses every week from now on. That will be fun. You'll probably beat JDJDJD to level 4 as well if you keep it up!
Thanks everyone. It's hard to say PeterP. I spend about 30 minutes in the morning and then I guess throughout the day when I have a spare moment I'll fill in whatever comes up and probably double what I do in the morning. Maybe an hour? I also listen and mouth along to what I learn on my ride to and (most times) from work which is half and hour each way but that's dead time anyway so not too hard to do. I still wish I could do more but my brain can only take so much. I wonder if you get better at it?
Thanks everyone. It's hard to say PeterP. I spend about 30 minutes in the morning and then I guess throughout the day when I have a spare moment I'll fill in whatever comes up and probably double what I do in the morning. Maybe an hour? I also listen and mouth along to what I learn on my ride to and (most times) from work which is half and hour each way but that's dead time anyway so not too hard to do. I still wish I could do more but my brain can only take so much. I wonder if you get better at it?