alright. Just had a break over Christmas/New Year. Getting back into my regular routine now so I should be back to normal. Daunting list of verses to review!
alright. Just had a break over Christmas/New Year. Getting back into my regular routine now so I should be back to normal. Daunting list of verses to review!
:-) Hope you had a good and restful break over Christmas. I did the opposite and tried to test whether it was actually possible at all to reduce the long long review list that always pops up. Encouraging to see that it actually is possible to (partially) catch up, but it takes a lot of time and discipline to stay caught up! I´ll be soon sliding back into my "routine" of an ever-growing review list, but that´s ok. It´s just taking time daily to study Scripture that I find to be so valuable.
There's something wrong with verse 6 of this chapter. It's missing the second half of the verse. You can tell because the punctuation doesn't make sense.