
JDJDJD 2017-10-27 20:53

I so appreciate this site Luke and all you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love tucking God’s word away in my heart. I’ve tried other sites but this is just so much more. I’ve been so blessed through it. Thank you again. I know it’s a lot of work for you but I’m sure you will be very much rewarded by The Lord.

spookylukey 2017-10-27 19:21

@graetzmi23 yes, I've done a lot of internal work needed for multi-language support. More specifically I've added a Turkish translation, but that's currently in beta testing, so not visible to most people. There are lots of challenges with new languages, though, especially Turkish, and some things are difficult to implement at all e.g. see

spookylukey 2017-10-27 19:02

@Robinshe thanks for reporting that, I've worked out why and I'll have it fixed soon.

Robinshe — on news item “Elise joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-10-27 16:32

Hi Elise! Good to have you with us, welcome!

Robinshe 2017-10-27 16:31

While we´re on the topic of minor bugs on this site, I´ve noticed that the count of "verses fully learned this week" in Stats is always wildly exaggerated. Since it overcounts rather than undercounts, it doesn´t bother me ;-), but I thought I would mention it. Thanks so much Luke for keeping an eye on this place, there are so many of us who really appreciate it.

graetzmi23 2017-10-27 10:42

Luke appears to be busy working on the site recently! Looks like he might be adding the option to learn in other languages:
Thanks for all your work Luke.

joosep 2017-10-27 03:37

I noticed yesterday something new about the user interface which in my opinion is a nice change: there is now an option to have more practice, even when you score 90% or more on a verse. Previously, that option appeared only if you had scored less than 90%. I'm going to try that out now :) I think that will be very useful, when you come across some verses that you especially want to repeat and focus on. Thanks Luke!

PeterP 2017-10-26 20:28

Thanks Luke, for continuing to look after this site. We appreciate it.

spookylukey 2017-10-25 19:19

Should be all fixed now, let me know via the contact form if not.

joosep 2017-10-25 17:55

Ah, sorry Annette, I see now that you already mentioned that you are doing that :)

joosep 2017-10-25 17:54

AnnetteCN: as a workaround you can still go to the menu at the top where it says "Options" and click on "Skip This". Doing that will take you to the next verse in the passage.

spookylukey 2017-10-25 07:57

AnnetteCN and graetzmi23, could you send me a message via the contact form, with as much detail as possible about these problems, including what browser and device you are using? I've made some big internal changes recently, and some user interface ones. Apologies for the breakages!

AnnetteCN 2017-10-25 07:04

graetzmi23, not sure which ones. It seemed random. But some of the passages that I had not finished learning are appearing in the review section - which is different to before. Not having a "Next" button is proving quite difficult. Hope it gets sorted.

graetzmi23 2017-10-25 06:53

Yeah, I just realised I have the same problem Annette so it's not your computer. It happened to me on a passage that I hadn't finished learning yet. Is it the same with you?

PeterP 2017-10-25 06:34

No, it came as a surprise to me. The change of font is what I notice most, but I’ll soon get used to it, no doubt.

AnnetteCN 2017-10-25 06:33

I'm having a few problems with it on my desktop. Wasn't sure if it was my PC. One problem is that the "Next" button is sometimes missing. I can get to the following verse by clicking in the right place on the lower bar thingy. But it's not that easy. Also the number of verses showing to practice are not accurate. 1 verse to practice might actually be a whole chapter!

graetzmi23 2017-10-25 06:20

Anyone know anything about the update that the site seems to have undergone?

Robinshe — on news item “fireant joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-10-11 16:17

Hi there! Welcome :-)

fweet — on news item “fweet joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-10-04 11:14

Thanks I am so excited to be with you

Robinshe — on news item “Jgh10 joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-30 18:42


rplas — on news item “rplas joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-23 00:55


joosep — on news item “rplas joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-22 06:46

Yes, I'd like to add my welcome as well.

Robinshe — on news item “rplas joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-22 04:34

Hi Rplas! Welcome, glad you found us :-)

Robinshe — on news item “fweet joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-17 15:59

Hi Fweet! Good to see you here, glad you found us :-)

joosep 2017-09-17 07:56

thank you for sharing that, Robinshe! I agree with you.

Robinshe 2017-09-17 06:53

Reading Acts 15 I am struck by the tone of the believers when there was serious disagreement in the church. The issue was circumcision, and there was "no small dissension and debate" about it, and Paul and Barnabas were sent to the church in Jerusalem to discuss the issue. They were welcomed. There was much debate. The assembly fell silent as they listened. They came to one accord. Seems to be very much in keeping with the wisdom from above described in James 3:17. Great example for Christians and the church to follow in situations of disagreement.

JDJDJD 2017-09-07 21:44

Hi ICanDoAllThings. Glad you joined us. This is a great group where you'll get lots of encouragement 👍Hope you'll be blessed as much as I am by this website and by this group. 😊

ICanDoAllThings 2017-09-07 14:51

Thank you GSHd hall to be here if I haven't already said that haha 😂...
I was very curious and was checking out the Carechism in not committed to it yet but very very interested and will definitely make that a commitment in the future...but I'm trying to figure things out here get a taste of the flow and how things operate here, familiarize myself inside this surrounding and start growing you know....this is different and new for me. I've never tried or done this before 😁😁😁😁😁😁

GSHd 2017-09-07 09:58

Hi there ICanDo... Glad you joined us here and welcome! I can see you've launched yourself big with the Catechism. May the Lord give you the enlightenment we all need from Him while studying and bless you abundantly!

ICanDoAllThings 2017-09-07 08:58

Hi I was invited here by Robinshe and Joosep and I am excited to be here!!!
Can't wait to meet all of the lovely and wonderful personalities in Christ!!!

Kaytegomes — on news item “Kaytegomes joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-01 18:23

Thanks! I'm excited to join

Robinshe — on news item “Kaytegomes joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-09-01 16:00

Hello and welcome! Glad you found our group :-) Lots of good people here! ;-)

Robinshe — on news item “DaisyN joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-08-26 10:40

Hi! Welcome to this group!

joosep 2017-07-17 04:55

Have a good trip, kcr21! Let us know when you're back. We pray that the Lord will richly bless your time away as a time of recreation and rest and draw you closer to Him.

Robinshe 2017-07-17 03:30

Have a great trip. We will keep you in our prayers. And nice to know that your absence is just due to connection trouble, look forward to seeing you back again!

kcr21 2017-07-17 01:22

Dear friends,
I am going on a long trip around the United States. I am going to be gone for the entire month of August.
Be aware that I am probably not going to be active on LearnScripture during this time because of trouble accessing to the internet.
Please pray for me while I'm gone, and I hope you guys have a great summer :)

Robinshe — on news item “vicarama joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-07-04 20:24

Hi vicarama! Good to see you on this board! :-)

GSHd — on news item “MrsJuanCordero joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-06-30 15:46

Wow! Quite an impressive achievement! Glad you joined us. The fast pace you are going, it means next week you are a multi-millionare!

Robinshe — on news item “MrsJuanCordero joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-06-30 13:27

Wow! And welcome!

Robinshe — on news item “Tallinn joined group Leaderboard group for everyone”: 2017-06-28 09:35

Welcome! Excellent start! 👍

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