
graetzmi23 2018-09-17 11:52

Has it become easier to "fully learn" a verse? The requirements seem to be a little easier to get those last few percent.

spookylukey 2018-07-15 08:30

@JoeDaStriker - the weekly champion is really only attainable by a very small group of people, so it isn't motivating for the vast majority of users. So it was removed, to give room for other things that are more motivating.

JoeDaStriker 2018-07-15 01:46

Why was the weekly champion removed from the site

steve.shibley 2018-04-14 02:12

Thank you for your help. That's a helpful feature.

PeterP 2018-04-13 19:35

Steve, it allows you to choose to be tested on a verse, even if it is not yet due for resting, while you are working through a passage. There is a menu for each verse, top right, next to the % progress figure.

steve.shibley 2018-04-13 15:19

what is the "test instead of read" option and how do I get to it?

joosep 2018-03-13 16:04

I just used the "Test instead of read" option for the first time. Thanks Luke!

Robinshe 2018-03-13 05:41

Hi Jewel! Good that you´re enjoying Learnscripture! First you have to create a group (click on "Other groups" that you see in the right column here, there´s a link there to help you create a new one). Then invite new friends to learn scripture, instructions are right at the bottom of the page, click on "referral program" to find a link you can send them by email or FB. It doesn´t matter how they join, but once they´re on learn scripture you can encourage them to join your group. If they don´t register their full name when they sign up, you won´t know which usernames they have (if you think you know someone click on their user name to see if they´ve also provided a real name - some do, some don´t). But you can always tell them about your group using other communication or ask them privately what usernames they have chosen. Good luck with your group!

Jewel 2018-03-13 00:19

I'm trying to create a new group with women who are not yet members of this site. How do I invite them to join, and how do I find out their user names?

joosep 2018-03-06 07:30

I like all of the latest options available and how they have been designed. Thanks Luke.

dadster 2018-03-03 18:23

Hi Luke - actually I think the way the spell check works is better now. In the past I could type very inaccurately (including wrong first letters!) and just assume it would allow the word if I got most of the rest correct...but now I just need to be more careful, which is better for typing practice anyway!

Luli2016 2018-03-03 17:38

I like the new review option and the new features as well, such as the overall percentage of each verse until it’s mastered.
I’m wondering if Albanian bible is one of the languages you are accommodating or will be able to accommodate any time soon.
I don’t want to put you under any pressure, but seeing how helpful this site has been for me, I would love to see others blessed by it too.
Many thanks for your hard work Luke.

spookylukey 2018-03-03 16:42

@dadster - it is a bit more intolerant yes. The old logic was not always helpful - for example, you were allowed 1 spelling mistake on 2 letter words, which meant you could easily type the wrong two letter word - "of" instead of "on", for example - and be marked "correct".

So I have tightened it for that case, and a bit for longer words, but I didn't think I had tightened it much. Perhaps I have tightened it across the threshhold where it makes a difference. If you continue to find it a problem, let me know, and I can change it to be closer to how it was before. I'm also having to accommodate other languages (we know have a Turkish Bible), and due to the way the language works tighter is better for that case. I may need to split it out to have different levels for different languages.

dadster 2018-03-03 14:28

I'm also appreciating the new review options, many thanks Luke. I use full typing, and it now seems much more intolerant of inaccurate typing / spelling, is that correct?

spookylukey 2018-03-02 10:37

Glad you like it CharlotteN!

CharlotteN 2018-03-02 07:28

Liking the new review options very much. Thank you.

spookylukey 2018-03-01 05:49

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