
onfire247 2022-02-10 14:26

Section breaks are all about making reviews easier rather than about how you learn the verse in the first place. You can proceed from verse to verse learning as you please and section breaks will not affect it in any way. They do, however, make it easier to group sections together in a chapter for review. So, for instance, if in John 6 the pericope starts at verse 22 and finishes at verse 34, it would be useful to set section breaks at verse 22 so that when verse 28 comes due, you can read the entire pericope together to solidify your memorization of verse 28 (and the section as a whole).

Like PeterP, I too started out doing whole chapters. But Belt is correct: the further you progress you eventually reach a point where you'll get a whole chapter for review when one verse is due regardless of section breaks. The first time you have to review 71 verses (John 6) because one is due you'll quickly realize how much of a pain it is to learn things as a chapter. It is even worse for people who do a whole book like James in one verse set (yikes!). For chapters that are short like the Psalms, however, it is not too bad. It is hard to separate most Psalms anyway except maybe Psalm 119.

I instead create separate sections for each chapter as new verse sets. In John 6, for example, I have six verse sets. Usually it is easy to see how the chapter should be broken down, but if you struggle with that you can always look at the ESV section breaks on biblegateway. I liked to name them what the passage covers (i.e., John 6:01-15 [Jesus Feeds Five Thousand]) to strengthen my memory.

Separating chapters like this is beneficial in two ways. First, like as not, some sections of a chapter are going to stick better than others. John 6:1-15 is a lot easier for me to remember than the rest of the chapter. Because I know that section better, I rarely get dinged with a full section review. This frees me up time to focus on the sections that I do not know as well in the chapter instead of "wasting time" reviewing a section I do know.

Second, it allows me to review the sections I struggle with multiple times to strengthen my memory. You can do this by clicking the Learn button and toggling it to "Test instead of read." If you plan on doing this, however, never set your verse sets to public because when you click Learn it will spam the chat. There are some days where I'll review a passage 10-20 times in a row. If those sets were set to public everyone would hate me.

Belteshazzar 2022-02-09 09:47

I agree with what PeterP wrote below. I think also that you would have to keep in mind, that as the passage reached the progress percentage of about 75% or higher, the website would start presenting the entire passage as being due. At least, that has been my experience.

So at first you could indeed do as PeterP suggested. And at first not all of them would be due at the same time. But as the progress percentage increases, that wouldn't be the case anymore.

But I'm not sure what you mean by "learn each verse on a different day". Your first review of each verse could indeed be separated over many days. But then since the initial review interval is only 1 hour, when you review the 2nd verse for the first time, the first verse would also be due at the same time.

I hope that makes sense :)

PeterP 2022-02-09 06:52

Yes, Eileen, you don’t need section breaks for that. Just start learning Psalm 1 as a passage, and you can choose when to learn each verse. Nowadays I usually select a full chapter to learn, but I actually learn one verse per day, or every other day.
The only use of the section breaks that I can see is later, after you’ve added the whole chapter, if you don’t have time to review it all in one sitting, you can review it a section at a time. Personally, I don’t find the section breaks helpful. I’d be interested to hear any other views.

EileenS 2022-02-09 03:11

I also posted this on another group:

How does it work to learn a passage?
For example, if I wanted to learn a set of 6 verses, but I wanted to learn each verse on a different day
Example -Psalm 1 has 6 verses
Would a person want a passage on Psalm 1 that had a section break after each verse?
Or would they still be able to learn one verse a day if they chose a version of the passage that had no security breaks?
What is the point of section breaks?

onfire247 2021-12-23 14:19

I had an interesting thing happen today. I had a verse set that covered John 17:14-26. I found that chunk to be too large, so I split it into two groups. That group ended up becoming John 17:22-26. But because I had already learned it, it was saying that there were 12 verses even though it was only 5. This has happened before, and the way to resolve it is to go into my verse set and stop learning it (assuming that it is a private passage, which it is) and start learning it again.

When I went to stop, it warned me "are you sure you want to stop learning John 7:45-17:26." I found that odd since that would be beyond even what the website would allow. When I stopped learning that set, my streak went to zero. This was even more odd since it should have been around 200 even if that chunk of scriptures was removed. Thankfully, when I added the new John 17:22-26 passage back my streak returned. I also had some problems connecting to the website this morning, but that was brief and likely not related.

onfire247 2021-08-07 12:40

Thanks for the info. I have been using Anki myself for about 10 years, so I can attest to the value of it. It allowed me to spend significantly less time studying Greek and Hebrew when I was working on my Master's degree than the rest of my students. Not only that, I was about to retain about 95% of the material I studied even until this day.

I currently have about 20,000 flash cards across a multitude of subjects, and my decks keep growing larger every day. I use it to retain my IT knowledge, memorize quotes, and various facts of interest to me. My friends hate playing trivia with me, and a large part of my success is Anki. I also used the cloze system extensively, as well as setting up a cloze image system as well.

As joosep said, there is a learning curve but it is well worth the time to invest in it. It essentially uses the spaced repetition algorithms similar to this website. For instance, you create a flash card deck and start reviewing it. The first time you see a card, if you get it wrong you will see it again in 1 minute. If you get it right, you will see it in 10 minutes (intervals can vary depending on how the program is configured). If you get it wrong in 10 minutes, you go back to 1 minute. If you get it right at 10 minutes, you see it the next day. The intervals go up from there depending up on success (1 day, 3 days, 9 days, 27 days, 3 months, 9 months, 18 months, 3 years, etc.). I think my highest interval card is somewhere around 3 years.

The program has an extensive instruction manual ( and tons of great addons and resources (check out the Reddit Anki channel). There is a mobile version, but I find that the PC works best. I cannot recommend this program highly enough. It is powerful, flexible, and most importantly, free. People at my college called me the Anki evangelist.

joosep 2021-08-07 04:19

To ChatCat, and also to onfire247, I've lately begun using Anki to strengthen my weak verses. I share this if in case it's helpful to someone.

An important thing to keep in mind, however, is that Anki does have a learning curve -- you have to spend some time learning how to USE Anki before it really begins to benefit you.

What I have been doing with Anki is this: I create a "cloze" card for each passage I'm learning. As I review a passage here on LS dot net, I take note of any words which ended up in "red". (Based on this website's parameters). Then, I create a cloze test in Anki for each of those words. (I have one Anki card for each passage -- but multiple cloze tests for each card).

As I review on Anki those weak verses, I also make a point of reading the verse in question aloud, and emphasizing in my mind that word which had been in red when reviewed here on learnscripture.

There's also a specific Anki addon which is very helpful in doing this. It's called "Fill in the blanks -- Multiple typecloze support".

But I want to repeat, this idea is of the most benefit for someone who already uses Anki and knows how to navigate your way through it. For others, I'd say, it's up to you if it seems worthwhile to invest some extra time learning how to use a new program, in order to benefit your scripture memorization :)

If anyone has questions about this, I'll try to answer them here.

ChatCat01 2021-05-25 23:03

Or I would use something to complement your study, like Quizlet or Anki, and just practice it every few days a couple of times to keep it more fresh

randazz065 2021-05-25 18:18

that should read ''three horizontal lines''

randazz065 2021-05-25 18:13

I suggest going to the verse progress tab by clicking the down arrow by your name in the upper right. Locate the verse you're having trouble with, again in verse progress. On the right hand side there is a little box with three horizontal likes, click that and it gives you the option to practice the verse alone or if is in a subset with the context it's in. Practicing that way does not add to, or subtract, from your percentage, but you can practice 'til you're happy with your recall.

onfire247 2021-05-25 14:45

I am looking for other peoples advice that have been here for a while on an issue I've noticed. Today, my reviews brought up John 4. I did poorly on verse 35, and I ended up getting 0% on the review. But because my percentage is at 91%, my next review is at 3 months. If I got 0% today, chances are good that I'm going to get 0% on that same verse three months from now. This basically means that I'll never master this verse. How do you guys handle this?

onfire247 2021-05-13 13:14

It is indeed 24 hours. If you are interested in getting it, I suggest you write down the twenty four hours somewhere, and just cross them off when you do it on one of those hours. Honestly, it is easier than you would think if you track it.

joosep 2021-05-12 23:57

good point, ChatCat!

ChatCat01 2021-05-12 22:30

Tough! But a nice little extra challenge. Really puts Psalm 1:2 into perspective, huh? "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night."

JDJDJD 2021-05-12 22:21

I’m pretty sure it’s 24 hours.

ChatCat01 2021-05-12 17:51

I was curious, for those who achieved the addict badge, it mentions you can receive it after taking tests during every hour on the clock. Was that a 12 hour clock or 24 hour?

joosep 2021-05-12 01:29

wow I'm glad to hear that worked out. phew.

MrsSpooner 2021-05-11 18:11

Thanks joosep.. Romans 11 was missing, I must have accidentally deleted it. All restored now!

MrsSpooner 2021-05-11 18:07

Not knowingly stopped any verses, or reset. I'll check, thanks. The light green squares are no longer filled in for about 16 days in January? I'll ask Luke I guess.

mrsmoo 2021-05-11 17:30

Hey MrsS. Sorry to hear. You have consistently worked to store gems and guess you might be getting close to your next level..... I was curious if you can still see the filled in green squares for January on your dashboard? And does the number still reflect your consistency? Or did it suddenly reset? I am not a programmer, but suggest a screenshot of your green squares. Hope spookylukey or others can assist.

joosep 2021-05-11 17:30

Could it be, MrsSpooner, that you stopped the learning on or reset some verses?

MrsSpooner 2021-05-11 15:52

If I look at my graph... it shows no gaps and is correct?

MrsSpooner 2021-05-11 15:50

HELP... my current and longest streak was 480+ yesterday... today a couple of weeks from January are suddenly gone! Appearing blank? Even though I have consistently done a verse every day?
Any ideas anyone? Please.

joosep 2021-04-07 02:43

I just tried it again, and it works for me. Using a Windows 10 computer. You have to hover over the actual box in order to type something. Hover over it with your cursor, then start typing a username.

JDJDJD 2021-04-06 21:10

Maybe @Spookeylukey has the solution. It's only happened recently. I don't have the option on the iPad either.

JDJDJD 2021-04-06 21:06

Thanks Joosep. Thats the way I've always done it but for some reason I'm not getting option to type anything into that box of invited users. I wonder if I've reached the max number allowed.

joosep 2021-04-06 02:15

by the way, JDJDJD, I wrote those instructions based on using a laptop computer, not a phone ...

joosep 2021-04-06 01:13

click on the name of the group, and then on the right hand side, "Edit this group". Then you'll see a box at the bottom designated "invited users". You'll need then to type the names of the new users into the box.

JDJDJD 2021-04-05 22:12

Anyone know how to send someone an invitation to a closed group? It seems to have been altered recently and I can’t find anyway to do it. Two people waiting for invites to the Multi-millionaires’ Club.

Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-26 23:50

*shows hammer thingy that Miyagi gave Daniel*

Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-26 23:50


onfire247 2021-03-26 20:02

I've seen them all, but the first was my favorite.

Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-26 19:34

onfire: Patience, Danielsan, patience. =D. OMGOODNESS DID YOU SEE THE KARATE KID TOOOO?!! COOOOOOOOOOOOLL!!!! (You know, there are sequels, with less cursing!!!!)

Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-26 19:32

Why isn't there anything where you can, you know, not say bad words? PLEASE SPOOKYLUKEY, MAKE THAT A FEATURE PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan_Likes_Superbook 2021-03-26 19:30

Good point onfire. I don't like seeing inappropriate stuff.

joosep 2021-03-17 14:37

yes I totally agree

onfire247 2021-03-17 11:00

We really need an ignore button on these group chats. I hate being a captive audience. There is literally no option for avoiding people who are posting inappropriate stuff. Or if you are not a member of a group, you do not see those chats. It is just a matter of time before someone comes in here and posts some really inappropriate stuff. Considering how many people we have under 18 using this website, that is a bad proposition.

T-rey 2021-03-15 22:33

The way I do it is just hitting the "cancel" button. That worked to erase the verse set for me.

onfire247 2021-03-11 19:41

You can't at the moment, unfortunately.

acam099 2021-03-11 18:46

how do I erase a verse set?

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