Hi CheetahGirl, you´re off to a great start on this site! Hope you´re enjoying it! Why not come and join us on the "leaderboard group for everyone"? There´s a whole bunch of us there learning different things, and it´s just a fun place to have some company along the way and encourage each other. Hope to see you there! Feel free to invite anyone else you know!
Hi kathy835 and congratulations on reaching 500.000 points! Would you be interested in joining the "leaderboard group for everyone" group? Just a nice place to see how others are doing and have some company along the way. Feel free to join us if you like!
Hi Fauna, and congratulations! Great start, hope you are learning lots and enjoying the site. Come and join us on the "Leaderboard group for everyone" group if you would like - there are a bunch of people there and it´s kind of fun to see what others are learning and encourage each other along the way.
Hi Study777 and congratulations! Would you be interested in joining us on the "leaderboard group for everyone" board? It´s kind of a nice place to have some company along the way, see how others are doing and what they´re learning. Hope to see you there :-)
I agree! Although I sometimes have to mentally rephrase James 1 to be "doers of the word and not readers only"! Sometimes it´s time to forget about points and graphs, put away the computer and just chat with my kids or empty the dishwasher :-)
I like the information! Visually it might be a little easier if under each passage it just said (for example) "35 of 52 verses are due for review today" instead of "Part of this passage is due for review today (35/52 verses)". But whatever... he´s fast at fixing things! Wonder if he could make us a "bookworm badge" for learning an entire book? Since lots of people have been working their way through Romans and James (ok, and John) :-)
Hi Nate! Also feel free to join us on the Leaderboard Group for Everyone! You´ll find a bunch of us there who chat occasionally and encourage each other along the way... :-)
Glad you joined us here! I completely agree that this is the best way to learn! It´s very good at realising when you know a verse and don´t need to be tested anymore, but also when you´re just beginning to forget one you´ve learned and you need a little refresher.
In Colossians 1:23 it talks about the "hope of the gospel... which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven...". Both verses remind us that even those who have never heard of Jesus can still see something of God and who he is in other ways. Head õhtut Sulle ka! :-)
Thank you! A beautiful fall day today, went for a long walk in the woods this morning with the sun coming through the pine trees, some great views of the fjord, lots of heather and wild blueberries growing on the rocks... :-)
Hi Evangeline, and welcome to LearnScripture! Have you figured out how it works? If you would like, come and join us in the group: http://learnscripture.net/groups/leaderboard-group-for-everyone/ where we encourage each other and sometimes chat a little about what we are learning.
Hi alander2015, and congratulations on reaching 50,000 points! If you would like, come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" - a nice place for encouragement and a little friendly competition. Hope you are enjoying this site!
Well done! Looked at your score yesterday and had to smile that even at 299 verses started, you keep to your one-a-day method and were´t tempted to sneak in just one more! Looks like you´ve found a good rhythm :-)
Hi Kathbrooks and welcome to LearnScripture - you´re off to a great start! Come and join us in the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" if you would like some company along the way :-)
Hi cjbama! Hope you´re enjoying LearnScripture. Feel free to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" group - it´s kind of fun to have some company and encouragement along the way. All the best...