You are most certainly making progress Robinshe! Your devotion to God's Word most certainly has been bearing fruit in your life, perhaps in ways you are not even aware of yet.
Congratulations! You seem to be studying more and more! Hope you are discovering new things as you go along. If you'd like company as you study, feel free to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone". Take care and may God bless you through your reading :-)
Hi there and well done! You´re off to a great start! If you´d like some company, feel free to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone". May God bless you as you continue to study :-)
Hey vicarama, just wanted to say hi and that you´re building up an impressive record of never missing a day! I think it´s more important (and harder!) to make a habit of spending just a little time reading something from the Bible every day rather than making ambitious plans that we quickly give up on. Well done and keep it up! Take care...
Yes! Or just surfing the news which is full of not particularly uplifting stuff. Today as I was thinking about something, I found a verse that I had memorised suddenly pop into my head, and I´m so glad I was sure that I knew the whole verse exactly, without just a vague feeling that there´s a verse somewhere that says something about that.
Congratulations! Hope you´re enjoying Learn Scripture :-) If you´d like some company as you study, you´re welcome to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board.
Reading Acts 15 I am struck by the tone of the believers when there was serious disagreement in the church. The issue was circumcision, and there was "no small dissension and debate" about it, and Paul and Barnabas were sent to the church in Jerusalem to discuss the issue. They were welcomed. There was much debate. The assembly fell silent as they listened. They came to one accord. Seems to be very much in keeping with the wisdom from above described in James 3:17. Great example for Christians and the church to follow in situations of disagreement.
Hi Alondra, welcome to Learn Scripture! Looks like you´re off to a good start! Come and join us on the Leaderboard Group for Everyone if you would like some company...
Hello there! Hope you´re enjoying Learn Scripture. Come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board if you´d like some company, it´s a great way to get into reading just a few verses every day.
I´m actually really impressed that you managed to study consistently on your own for two years! I have always had the ambition of reading the Bible regularly, and can´t tell you how many times I´ve started only to give up soon afterwards as soon as things get busy. This place and the people here have been an enormous help to me, and for the first time in my life I´ve been able to stay reading consistently. Sometimes it´s very inspiring, sometimes less so, and I can´t say I always see the difference it should be making in my life, but I pray that it will over time change who I am to be more the person I was created to be. My grandmother has read the Bible throughout her life and is a wonderful example of a person who lives from day to day "just putting everything in the Lord´s hands".
Hi there! Come and join us! Check out the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone". Here you can keep track of how you´re doing, and even though I agree that it´s not a competition, it´s still kind of fun to work your way up the board and see how long you can keep it up. And if you want us to help keep you accountable, we can be there to encourage you or hear how you´re doing if you´re away for a bit. Great bunch of people! Hope to see you there :-)