Well done, Chris54, a result of months of persistent study. May the Lord bless you and give you opportunity to live out and share through your life all of what you continue to learn through your studies :-)
I like Daniel 4:4 - "I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at ease in my house and prospering in my palace." Then he had a dream and had to call in Daniel, who he knew was a man "in whom was the spirit of the holy gods". God can come to anyone at any time, even to those who are not actively searching for God.
Hi thankfulmom! Just wanted to say welcome to learnscripture and congratulations on a great start! If you´d like some company as you learn, feel free to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board. Hope you´re learning lots and enjoying this place.
Hi and congratulations on your Consistency badge! Hope you´re enjoying the site :-) If you´d like some company as you learn, feel free to join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone" board...
Hi roserunner! Welcome to learnscripture - great start! If you´d like some company as you study, feel free to come and join us on the "Leaderboard Group for Everyone". Congratulations on your consistency, keep it up! This is a great place to learn :-)
Congratulations! I know what you mean about being stuck. Sometimes I feel I’m unlearning as many as I’m completing :-) May you progress quickly on to 400!
Hi Fweet. Just wanted you to know that I´m praying for you today. May God bless you and protect you and help you and your friends and your family. Take care :-)
Also - just a little practical hint - you can go into "settings" and change it so that you only have to type the first letter of each word. I find that speeds things up for me without memorizing any less. :-)
Interesting verse. You don´t think of Jesus having to learn obedience. What was he like before he "learned to be obedient"? Since he was without sin, he presumably was´t disobedient. But did he do things in ignorance that in later retrospect he could have done differently / better? Does "becoming obedient" mean more of an awareness of God´s leading? Was he less aware to begin with? Or did he "become obedient through suffering" by the very act of becoming human, since only as a human did he have to obey God, rather than being a more integral part of God, and since his whole existence as a human included suffering to various degrees?
I´ve sometimes wondered how many verses on average you have to study per day in order to clear your review list. But Peter, you have for the most part learned one verse a day and averaged about 40 in review, so that gives some indication. Either I´ll have to cut down how much I learn or increase my reviewing substantially... or I can just live happily with a long review list :-)
Wow, well done PeterP! I can´t imagine clearing my review list, although every once in a while I see signs of being able to at least reduce it slightly :-) Must be a good feeling to see "No verses due for review"!