I do what you are planning to do, solideogloria. I find that just using the site, I can learn the verses but I get stuck when trying to piece them together. I'll have to use a hint to get the first word and then I can do the rest. When I learnt Romans I started listening to it once a day for about half an hour (usually the chapters I had learnt/was learning and a couple more that I was about to start learning). That really helped me learn so I have kept doing it with other books. Since you are learning Romans there is a group of us learning it that you are welcome to join: http://learnscripture.net/groups/romans-learns/
I think I agree with you Robinshe. It might be better if it is brought into line with what is says for catechism questions which is "You've got X question(s) due for review today." Obviously change the "questions" part.
Not a glitch AnnetteCN. Just the next level after you have revised it successfully a few times. I'm not sure if it ever gets harder than that. You'll have to ask JDJDJD
Nice. Its definitely doable if you are consistent. Took me about 6 months to learn it all and I'm pretty well able to recite it (with the occasional prompting. I really struggle with the latter part of chapter 5 for some reason). I listen to and recite along to as much as I can fit in on my ride to work which really helps. That way I get the audio memory and the visual. Rather than having your goal as "someday" maybe you could put a more concrete time limit? Split up the 433 verses and do 20 a week or something like that?
Thanks Robinshe and Gilligan. I like the bookworm badge haha. Suits my style of learning. LvL 2 now - just finished James :) Congratulation on starting Romans Gilligan. If you want to join the Learn Romans group feel free: http://learnscripture.net/groups/romans-learns/ If you're still deciding where to go next might I suggest Chapter 1? Sure it's not as uplifting as chapter 5-8 but explains the absolute necessity of the atonement. You could start at verse 16 if you wanted to get straight to it. That said, the greetings in chapter 1 and 16 are some of my favourite parts and give a fascinating insight into the character of Paul and of the early church. Anyway, I would recommend Romans to everyone!
Finished learning Romans nearly a month and a half ago. Now at the stage where some days I don't see a chapter of Romans to review which is weird after so many months of learning and reviewing it.