
onfire247 2021-01-21 14:13

If you reset progress on a verse, does it affect your daily streak?

onfire247 2021-01-19 18:01

The same argument can be made against auto-correcting for spelling, unfortunately, which the site already does. I see it as an extension of the auto-correct. To be sure, I can use the hint button (and I do sometimes), but when you have 180 verses to review, it gets a bit tedious to hit a button several times for each verse. I'm not sure how you memorize, but after seven chapters of dialogue heavy John, it is getting a little old [Translation choices fault, not this website]. In my opinion, auto-corrections of this sort are not cheating because the way these phrases are presented does not add anything to the dialogue that comes afterward. Besides, if I wanted it too easy I would just refresh every verse until I got 100% on it.

joosep 2021-01-18 15:56

In my opinion your suggestion would make things too easy. We are here to memorize, after all, and we already have three hints on each verse (or 2 or 1 on shorter ones) :)

onfire247 2021-01-18 12:43

No, just a suggestion. I've noticed that most of the mistakes I make revolve around the following four phrase variations: "Jesus said," "Jesus answered," "Jesus replied," and "Jesus then said" ("Jesus" can be replaced with whoever is talking in the narrative). Since most of these translation variations are interpretive choices of the same Greek word in the NT, I was going to suggest that the program autocorrect one phrase to the other automatically.

JDJDJD 2021-01-17 23:47

Not as far as I’m aware. This is the most likely place he’ll check. He’s a busy man though so I’m not sure how often he’s on here. Is there something someone else could help with?

onfire247 2021-01-17 16:40

Is there an official feedback group that Spookylukey looks at on here?

AnnetteCN 2021-01-17 00:02

Susieq if you have not added any verses you want to learn, go to the bar at the top, click on "Choose" and start adding some. Then as joosep says, click on the "Learn" tab.

joosep 2021-01-16 15:31

"After saving ..." Do you mean after saving a set of verses?

Did you click "Learn" at the bottom?

Susieq 2021-01-16 13:59

I have just signed up and filled in my preferences. After saving I can’t seem to get to the next oage

FinalAsgard 2020-12-17 16:14

Also, you get points for reviewing. The more often you review, the more points you get. Especially in a shorter amount of time. Someone who checks the site twice a day will rack up points a lot slower than someone who is on 6 times a day. :D

joosep 2020-12-17 15:43

I was trying to say, onfire247, that it's possible that one of those users you mentioned (though I can't say for sure) used to have more verses which they were reviewing, which perhaps they put on a "stop learning" status, perhaps to shorten their queue. That would cause their number of verses which they are currently learning to be reduced. But they still would keep the points for those verses which they have just stopped.

joosep 2020-12-17 15:40

I can answer that in part. People get points for reviewing verses in their queues. I can't speak about others, but with respect to myself, I used to have a lot more verses in my queue, than I do now -- but I reset everything and decided to focus on a much smaller number of verses back in October 2019. Hence, I've got a lot of points, but only 5 finished. Resetting my verses didn't result in my losing any points.

Users also get point bonuses for various badges of course, and also, whenever a verse becomes fully learnt, there's also an extra bonus for that one verse that kicks in. There's also an extra bonus when reviewing whenever you get 100% correct.

onfire247 2020-12-17 15:31

I am not sure how the point system works on this site. Some people have really good stats but low points, while others have similar stats but high points. For example, AnnetteCN has 99m points with 2418 started and 1468 finished, while GSHd has 48m points with 1200 more started and 20 more learned. Seems to me that their point totals should be similar. Surely accuracy and achievement differences can't account for such a large point variance? I'm guessing that at some point the point tallying changed (which explains oddities like A1 being so high with such low activity).

onfire247 2020-11-06 13:42

I see. I thought it was probably just an anomaly on the Dashboard wall count. Thanks for the info.

PeterP 2020-11-06 08:32

There’s some inconsistency with the verse counting. Originally Prov 3:5-6, if learnt together would have counted as one ‘verse’ in the stats. And if you learned them separately, (eg if you learned the whole of Proverbs 3), then v5 and v6 would count as 2 new verses in the stats.
So a couple of years ago, Luke fixed this anomaly, so that you are recognised as learning 2 actual Bible verses, regardless of whether you learn them separately or as a combined ‘verse’. But an unfortunate side-effect of this is that your 100 verse set is presented as 69 ‘verses’, even though the actual stats will record that you’ve started learning 100 verses when you’ve done them all.

onfire247 2020-10-07 01:51

Actually, I noticed it with several group verses. In fact, I deleted them and added them separately as new verses (since I had just started them yesterday) and my total went up. I guess my first clue should have been when I created a group with 100 verses, it only said that I was learning 68 verses when I started it. Up until now, I had just been learning whole chapters rather than individuals. Now that I know, I can work around it. Thanks for the response.

JDJDJD 2020-10-06 23:16

I think the Prov 3:5-6 one looks like an anomaly. The last comment made by Spookyluky seem to imply that it should count as 2 verses.

onfire247 2020-10-06 12:02

Would it be possible to make it so that we could delete groups that we have created that no one is learning? Or is there an option for that I am missing? I have some groups floating around that I made when I was new to the website that are no longer relevant.

onfire247 2020-10-06 12:00

I also noticed that if you edit a group you created and are learning, that the system will not register that change. For example, I found Isa. 55:10-11 to be too big of a chunk to learn together, so I edited the group to separate them. When it came time to learn them, however, they were still together.

onfire247 2020-10-06 11:56

I created a public verse set with Prov. 3:5-6 in it, and I just noticed that the system only counts those two verses as one instead of two on the daily total. Is that by design?

joosep 2020-07-05 12:58

Steady is good. Steady is much more important than fast.

JDJDJD 2020-07-04 23:22

I’m a plodder. Slow and steady! I guess I’ve been here longer than most. But I still love this website and the help it is to me in meditating on and memorising God’s word. I hope I memorise many more. And grow more Christlike in the process 🙂

joosep 2020-07-04 05:22

speaking of points ... you're nearing 50 million, JDJDJD. You've meditated on and memorized a lot of verses during your time here :)

JDJDJD 2020-07-03 22:14

Yes it’s happened to me now so I see what you mean. I don’t mind though as you get the extra bonus points again for finishing a verse. 😁

joosep 2020-06-20 02:45

Grateful for these comments. The most "advanced" verses I currently have are between 70 and 90 percent. So this discussion is helpful to me in knowing how things will develop :)

PeterP 2020-06-19 05:50

Yes, I noticed that too. My guess is that progress has actually reached 99.5% and it is being rounded up for the display. But it never happened until the last few days, so something has been changed.

JDJDJD 2020-06-18 20:57

I can't remember where, but somewhere you can choose to keep reviewing verses even after they are 100% learned. So maybe a setting needs changing. Maybe someone else can help with where to find that setting.

Wv 2020-06-18 15:54

Yes, I noticed that as well and have contacted the webmaster about it.

steve.shibley 2020-06-18 14:45

Have others noticed recently that 100% sometimes still requires additional tests?

Goodnews 2020-06-11 22:31

How can we donate?

JDJDJD 2020-06-11 20:30

Thanks Luke for all your work in putting this site together and all the work in keeping it going. Its been a life line for me. I can't recommend it enough.

joosep 2020-06-11 18:25

by hovering over the stars, you can see the current progress percentage for each verse

joosep 2020-06-11 18:10

There's another recent change which Luke implemented which is very nice. From the Progress Screen you can now search for a passage. For example, if you are learning Romans 8:1-17, you can search for only those 17 verses. That can be helpful if you are learning, for example, all of Romans 8, but only want to view your progress for those specific 17 verses.

I find the Progress Screen to be very helpful, because by default it shows first which verses in a passage or chapter are weakest. Thereby you can weed out the weaker ones and also practice them, directly from that screen.

Symota 2020-06-11 15:35

Thank you, Luke, for all of your behind-the-scenes work in making this update.

MrsSpooner 2020-06-11 14:56

Thanks Luke, appreciate your work!

Wv 2020-06-11 11:21

Yes, I echo joosep's thank you. I know that it took much time and effort to make such a significant change in this website's formatting. We appreciate all that you are doing and have been doing to make this website a great place to memorize the Bible!

joosep 2020-06-10 14:29

thank you Luke

spookylukey 2020-06-10 14:28

I have made a change to how combined verses are counted, to make it more accurate. For example, "John 1:1-2" is now counted as 2 verses, not 1. And if you learn "John 1:1" as well as "John 1:2" individually, as well as "John 1:1-2", this is counted as a total of 2 unique verses not 3.

So, you may notice your "Verses started" or "Verses finished" stats change, up or down depending on what verses you have learnt. Any "Student" or "Master" awards earned so far won't be removed, but you may have more work to do to get your next one, or less.

AlyHolli26 2020-04-08 20:56

sorry to be a pain but when i try to learn verses it doesn't show the actual verse it just says loading.... i have tried resetting, i have closed and reopened it still does not work. What do i do?

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